Human-Computer Interaction


Bits and Pretzels
Presentation of Minister Dr. Fabian Mehrings avatar during bits and pretzels
Erik Wolf successfully defended his PhD-Thesis
We can now call him Doctor Wolf.
AIL AT WORK @ Innovation Day
The AIL team contributed to the event with a presentation of Prof Wienrich and two demonstrators.
Summer EXPO 2024 Recap
The Summer EXPO 2024 for HCI/HCS, CS and GE was a great success! A large number of visitors were able to experience up to 120 different demos and projects.
HiAvA at the final meeting of the BMBF-funded XR research consortia
Summer Expo 2024 Invitation
This year's summer expo is on the 19th of July 2024. Feel free to visit and experience a lot of interesting projects.
AI and eXtended Reality at the Medienstudierendentagung
The HCI Chair and PIIS working group showcased innovative research at the Medienstudierendentagung (MeStuTa)
XR Hub @ Girls' Day
The Girls' Day took place on April 25th, 2024, and was a great success! Together with the XR Hum Nuremberg we conducted parallel workshops where the girls got familiar with XR technologies and learned about the background of designing XR experiences.
Ceremonial inauguration of the CAIDAS building
The HCI and PIIS working groups actively contributed to the success of the event with demos and organization.
Programming Course Interface Development Results of WS 2023/24
The winter semester has come to an end and we are happy to present the results of the Programming Course Interface Development.
XR Expo Stuttgart 2024
The XR Hub Würzburg and HiAvA attended the XR Expo in Stuttgart, where they made valuable connections with attendees from academia and industry.
HCI, PIIS and PsyErgo at the IEEE VR 24 Conference in Orlando
HCI, PIIS and PsyErgo their works at the IEEE VR 24 Conference in Orlando, Florida
Bavaria's new Minister of Digital Affairs at the XR Hub
Bavaria's new Minister of Digital Affairs Dr. Fabian Mehring visited the University of Würzburg for the first time. He was visibly impressed by the projects and achievements of the XR Hub.
Visit from the Universitätsrat and Kuratorium
The HCI Chair and PIIS working group had the pleasure of hosting the Universitätsrat and the Kuratorium at CAIDAS.
Studien-Info-Tag 2024
We welcomed pupils to the university-wide Studien-Info-Tag, where prospective students had the opportunity to join our lab tor entitled 'AI, Metaverse and User Experience: Understanding and Designing Digital Worlds in the Human-Computer Interaction degree program'.
TooCloseVR Workshop in Marktheidenfeld
On 22 January, members of the HCI group visited the 6th grade of the Marktheidenfeld Gymnasium to give a workshop. Using virtual reality goggles, they experienced how distressing it can be to experience insults and threats, and what can be done about it.
Assaults in the metaverse: Prof. Dr Marc Erich Latoschik gives insights to Die Tageszeitung.
A recent article from taz deals with assaults in the metaverse. In the article, Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik emphasises the need for platforms to incorporate security measures and provides insights into the potential and risks of virtual environments. Read the full article on the taz website.
Winter Expo 2023/24 Recap
The Winter EXPO 2023/24 for MCS/HCI was a great success! Thank you to all those involved and to all visitors!
Exploring the Metaverse: Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik gives insights into the Intersection of AI and Our Future in 'Arbeit, Bildung, Zukunft' Podcast
In a recent appearance on the podcast 'Arbeit, Bildung, Zukunft,' Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik delved into the metaverse and its intersection with artificial intelligence. For a comprehensive exploration of these topics, tune in to the podcast on the 'Arbeit, Bildung, Zukunft' website.
Winter Expo 2023/24
Save-the-date: The winter Expo will take place on the 9th February!
The MAILS Questionnaire is now online!
The Ail at Work Team presents the META AI LITERACY SCALE. You can try it out yourself!
HCI in first place in the CSR ranking
The Chair of Human-Computer Interaction at JMU achieves top stats in the international Computer Science Ranking in the research field of Virtual Reality: 1st place in Germany, 3rd place in Europe, 6th place worldwide.
XR Hub @ "XR meets Health“
On November 14th, 2023 the XR Hub will be presenting at this online event
HCI and PIIS Research Demos Week
The HCI and the PIIS Group hosted three demo sessions on the 17th, 18th and 20th of October. We welcomed international visitors from University of Bergen (Norway), the University of Valle (Colombia), and visitors from the 'Arbeitskreis A der Deutschen Rentenversicherung' (Germany).
Multimodal Interfaces SS 2023 Projects
This summer, during the module Multimodal Interfaces, teams of students developed a multimodal speech and gesture interface for a VR application.
3D User Interfaces SS 2023 Projects
This summer, during the module 3D User Interfaces, teams of students developed VR Parkour-style games.
First Demo Tour at CAIDAS!
Anthony Steed and Stefan Kopp explored HCI and PIIS research projects.
The HCI and PIIS group moved to a new Building!
Both groups can now be found in the Emil-Fischer-Straße 50 in Hubland North.
AIL AT WORK meets Federal Minister Hubertus Heil to explore the design of AI colleagues in Virtual Reality
During the KI-Studios project launch at the Fraunhofer IAO in Munich, the AIL AT WORK team demonstrated how AI can be leveraged in the context of different workplaces.
SPD Visit - HCI and PIIS Projects Demonstration
The HCI Chair and PIIS working group had the pleasure of hosting Bernd Rützel, Volkmar Halbleib, and Alexander Kolbow.
Summer EXPO 2023 Recap
The Summer EXPO 2023 for MCS/HCI, MK and GE was a great success! A large number of visitors were able to experience up to 120 different demos and projects.
Summer Expo 2023 – Countdown!
Are you interested in Games, Virtual Reality, Human-Computer Interaction, and Science? Then this will be the right event for you!
Exploring the Future of AI in the Workplace: Insights from the AIL AT WORK Project Team's Visit to the Denkfabrik Digitale Arbeitsgesellschaft
On June 16, members of the AIL AT WORK project team visited the 'Denkfabrik Digitale Arbeitsgesellschaft' at the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
Ubisoft - Behind the Scenes
We are happy to announce a guest talk from our cooperation partner Ubisoft about what it's like to develop (AAA) games as part of a large team. The talk will take place on 2.6. in the Turing Lecture Hall starting at 2 p.m.
HCI @ ARD Wissen
In the current ARD report 'Mein Körper. Mein (Mehr-) Gewicht' on the topic of body positivity and health risks of obesity, the HCI Chair was able to present the ViTras project, in which the psychological effect of VR/AR is used to increase the effectiveness of obesity therapy and to reduce the relape rate.
HCI Group at the CHI 23 Conference in Hamburg
We were proud to present our work at the CHI conference 2023 right here in Germany.
Save the Date: Digitaltag 2023
On June 16th at 1pm the XR Hub Würzburg hosts the event 'Dive into XR' for the Digitaltag 2023. Among other things, visitors will have the opportunity to experience different tracking solutions in the newly established motion capture lab.
Introduction to GameAudio using the audio middleware FMOD
As part of a guest lecture by Nikolaus Böll, we are pleased to offer an introduction to the topic of adaptive audio using FMOD.
All about Games in Bavaria - with Games/Bavaria
Lena Fischer from Games/Bavaria will hold a guest lecture about the opportunities for game developers after graduation and useful tips on job hunting while entering the industry.
XR Hub @ Girls' Day
The Girls' Day took place on April 27th, 2023, and was a great success! Together with the XR Hum Nuremberg we conducted parallel workshops where the girls got familiar with XR technologies and learned about the background of designing XR experiences.
PriMa 3rd Research Event | EAB & CITeR Biometric Workshop
The 3rd research event of the PriMa project was successfully held in conjunction with the EAB & CITeR Biometric Workshop in Martigny, Switzerland
PriMa was selected to be Project of the Month of the CORDIS website!
We are excited to announce that the PriMa project has been selected as the Project of the Month for May 2023 on the CORDIS website!
Save The Date: Online Information Event for HCI Master applicants
On Friday, May 26th at 3:00 pm (s.t.) an online information event for interested HCI master applicants will be held.
Prof. Latoschik held a Keynote Presentation at the VR/AR Learning Days 2023
On April 25th Prof. Latoschik contributed to the VR/AR Learning Days 2023 with holding a keynote speech on the topic of 'Teaching and Learning in the Metaverse'.
The first Wuertual Reality Conference
Wuertual Reality, a premiere conference in the field of XR was held last week right here in Würzburg.
HCI Group at the IEEE VR 23 Conference in Shanghai
The 30th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEEVR 2023) was a great success.
Programming Course Interface Development Results of WS 2022/23
The winter semester has come to an end and we are happy to present the results of the Programming Course Interface Development.
Orientierungsvortrag 'Erste Schritte ins Studium' für Erstsemester
Am Mittwoch den 12.04.23 veranstaltet die Zentrale Studienberatung den Orientierungsvortrag „Erste Schritte ins Studium“ für Erstsemester aller Fachrichtungen.
Prof. Latoschik will give a talk about XR, AI and the Metaverse
On March 8, 2023 Prof. Latoschik will give a talk at an Alumni event. Seize the opportunity and join via Zoom!
Save The Date: Würtual Reality 2023
From April 11th to 13th, the Würtual Reality XR Meeting 2023 will take place at the University of Würzburg, Germany. The HCI Chair offers various demonstrations as well as talks on current research issues for the participants.
Save The Date: IEEE VR
We are very pleased to present our research at this year's IEEE VR.
AI.BAY 2023
On the 23rd and 24th of February we visited the AI.BAY 2023 in Munich on order to support the CAIDAS and to showcase two of our current projects together with the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIRO).
Winter Expo Recap
The Winter EXPO 2023 for MCS and HCI was a great success! We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.
Summer Elective: Interactive Stories & Playable Narratives
Join the Summer Elective 'Interactive Stories & Playable Narratives' where you'll work together with professors and students from the THWS to explore agency and stories in interactive contexts.
Winter Expo 2022/23
Save-the-date: The winter Expo will take place on the 10th February!
Can Social VR Substitute Real Life? From a Perspective of Identity, Privacy, and Authenticity
This blogpost discusses the question whether social VR can comprehensively substitute real-life social, interpersonal, and professional scenarios.
AIL at Work informs about Research Aims
Together with State Secretary Lilian Tschan from the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the AIL at Work project informs about the research aims and shows the topic’s relevance in this video clip.
Digital Summit Bavaria: Human-Centered AI and XR HUB Würzburg as guests of State Minister Judith Gerlach.
Carolin Wienrich, Marc Latoschik, and Andreas Hotho visited the Bavarian Digital Summit.
Best Paper Award at ICMI 22
The paper ‘Exploratory Study on the Perception of Intelligent Virtual Agents With Non-Native Accents Using Synthetic and Natural Speech in German’ recently recieved the best paper award at the ICMI 22 in Bengaluru, India.
The HCI Group presented five contributions at ISMAR 22 in Singapore, including two full papers.
On November 15th 2022, starting at 14:00, the event "XR meets future work" will take place via zoom.
The Expo winners 2022 recieved their prizes!
Congratulations to the winners of the Expo 2022! With the sponsorship of Plaion the winners recieved their prizes for winning at the summer Expo 2022.
Save-the-date: XR Hub Würzburg @ WueWW 2022
The XR-Hub Würzburg will join the Wuerzburg Web Week 2022 on 26th October! Make sure to be there to listen to our talk and try out our demonstrations.
Prof. Latoschik gave a talk on Megatrend XR and the Metaverse.
On September 29, 2022, Prof. Latoschik gave a talk on Megatrend XR and the Metaverse at the kick-off Event for the 4th Year of BayFiD.
Prof. Latoschik and Prof. Wienrich will speak at the third "Würzbürger Impulse"
On October 19, 2022, Prof. Latoschik and Prof. Wienrich will speak at "Würzbürger Impulse: Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik in der Medizin"
WueDive Team Embraces Virtual Reality
The WueDive team with Samantha Monty, Prof. Dr. Sarah Koenig and Dr. Oyudari Vova in front of the teaching clinic of the University Hospital Würzburg. (Image: WueDive)
Summer EXPO 2022 Recap
The Summer EXPO 2022 for MCS/HCI, MK and GE was a great success! We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.
Summer Expo 2022 – Countdown!
Are you interested in Games, Virtual Reality, Human-Computer Interaction, and Science? Then this will be the right event for you!
Gravity Boots - Game Lab I Game of the Year 2021 [Updated]
During the Zoompresentation of the Games Engineering Group on February 7th, the Game of the Year Award will was granted to Gravity Boots the best GameLab I Project.
XR Hub @ XR Day
Save-the-date: On July 7, 2022, the XR Hub Würzburg will attend the XR Day in Nuremberg.
AIL AT WORK hosts Workshop at re:publica 2022
Participants collaborated to explore crucial dimensions in user-centered AI-design, focusing on the trustworthiness, perceived safety, and overall appeal of (non-)humanoid AI-representations in virtual reality (VR).
XR Hub @ Media meets Health
On May 24th, the XR Hub went on an excursion in order to be part of the "Media meets Health" event in Munich.
XR Hub @ vbw in Munich
The XR-Hub was part of an extended reality event organized by the Bavarian Business Association on May 23rd.
HCI, MTS, and PsyErgo @ CHI 2022
The HCI Group presented four papers at CHI 2022 in New Orleans, USA
The project AIL AT WORK celebrated its official kick-off with the think tank Digitale Arbeitsgesellschaft of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
HCI Group @ IEEE VR 2022
The HCI Group presented four contributions at the IEEE VR 2022
Anne-Gwenn Bosser on Computational Narratives for Compelling Interactive Experiences
Anne-Gwenn Bosser will hold a talk at the Coputer Science colloquium on the topic of 'Computational Narratives for Compelling Interactive Experiences'. Join the talk on 9th March 2022, 10:00 Uhr (s.t.) at the Zuse-Hörsaal, Informatikgebäude, Am Hubland
Winter EXPO 2021/22
The Winter EXPO 2021/22 for MCS/HCI was a great success! We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.
Projekt erforscht KI-Kompetenzen am Arbeitsplatz
Carolin Wienrich (Psychologie Intelligenter Interaktiver Systeme), Astrid Carolus (Medienpsychologie) und Marc-Erich Latoschik (Human-Computer Interaction) haben das mit 1,15 Millionen Euro geförderteForschungsprojekt „AIL AT WORK – Analyse, Entwicklung und Evaluation von AI-Systemen und AI-Literacy in Arbeitskontexten“ eingeworben.
Winter EXPO 2021/22
Today the Winter EXPO 2021/22 for MCS/HCI takes place! We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.
Erik Wolf receives Meta PhD Research Fellowship
Erik Wolf from the HCI and HTS Group was selected to participate in the 2022 Meta PhD Research Fellowship program.
Project Presentations Live via Zoom
On Feb 7th our Games Engineering students present their projects via a Zoom Meeting. Starting at noon, we warmly invite everybody to watch the pitches, ask questions, and provide feedback.
Sebastian Oberdörfer and Philipp Schaper as guests at Arbeit Bildung Zukunft
Listen to the new podcast episode #66 of Arbeit Bildung Zukunft (Work Education Future): From Serious Games to Social Robots to Horst the Frog - Potentials of New Technologies in the Learning and Teaching Context of the Future
Facebook's Metaverse - The next big thing?
The idea of a distributed artificial virtual world, in which participants can meet and interact with each other via different avatars, is anything but new.
Prof. Birgit Lugrin's Handbook on Socially Interactive Agents
The handbook on Socially Interactive Agents, edited by Birgit Lugrin, Catherine Pelachaud and David Traum, and published by ACM is out now.
Prof. Latoschik will be a Keynote Speaker at EuroXR 2021!
Prof. Latoschik will give a talk at the EuroXR conference on November 25, 2021. Free tickets are available!
Florian Kern will speak at the EdTech Festival 2021
Florian Kern will give a talk at the EdTech Festival 2021 on November 02, 2021 at 09:30. The title of the presentation is: ViLeArn - A Social XR Platform for Learners and Teachers Built with Reality Stack
Samantha Monty will speak at the EdTech Festival 2021
Samantha Monty will give a talk at the EdTech Festival 2021 on November 02, 2021 at 11:15. The title of the presentation is: Decker: State-of-the-Art Universal and Interactive eLearning
Prof. Latoschik will speak at the MEDIENTAGE MÜNCHEN
Prof. Latoschik will give a talk at the MEDIENTAGE MÜNCHEN on October 29, 2021 at 13:15.
XR Hub Würzburg @ WueWW
The XR Hub hosted an event for the WueWW on Friday, the 22nd of October 2021 to give an insight into the world of extended reality and to showcase fields of application of XR.
XR Hub @ WueWW
Save-the-date: The XR Hub Würzburg is thrilled to announce that we will participate in the WueWW! Join our talk and make sure to check out all of the other incredible events.
Embodiment Lab and XR Hub Würzburg @ bidt Demo Day 2021
Save-the-date: The 2nd Demo Day of the Bavarian Innovation Labs will take place as an online event on Tuesday, October 12, 2021.
Best Paper Award at TVRSJ
The paper 'Reducing the Fear of Height by Inducing Proteus Effect of a Dragon Avatar' recently received the Best Paper Award from the Journal: Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan
Presentation @ MobileHCI 2021
From 29.09.2021 to 01.10.2021 the paper Grab the Frog about Horst - The Teaching Frog will be presented at the virtual event MobileHCI 2021. Find more information under the following links.
First Aid in Virtual Reality with VRescue
Virtual Reality is capable of providing close to real training oppurtinities. One team from the Games Engineering group strives to make use of this potential by creating a virtual first aid training program. The first results are more than positive.
Human-Computer, Games & Informatics Expo
Save-the-date: The Human-Computer, Games and Informatics Expo will take place on 16th of July 2021.
Boost in Digital Teaching
With about 4.3 million euros the University of Würzburg can advance further in the field of digital teaching. The money originates from a funding pot of the federal and state governments. It was handed out as part of a competition.
New Video @ XR Hub Bavaria
Check out the new video on networking in the XR community & how to help implement new ideas.
Midterm presentations of Gamelab 1 & 2
The semester is coming to an end and we are looking forward to present the great results of the Game Lab 1 and 2 lectures. As well as the results of the Machine Learning lectures.
Friday April 16, 3p.m. - AI Talks @ JMU - Optical Document Recognition
The Center for artificial intelligence and data science - CAIDAS, to which the HCI also belongs, cordially invites you to another exciting talk in the AI Talks @ JMU series. On Friday, April 16 at 3 p.m. Prof. Dr. Frank Puppe will talk about Optical Document Recognition - Alte Drucke, alte Musikstücke, Tabellen, Rechnungen. More information and the link to join the meeting can be found here.
Computer Vision - New Lecture for master´s programs
For the upcoming summer semester, a new lecture will be offered for the master's programs EXtended Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction and Computer Science. More information about the lecture and registration can be found here.
Winter EXPO 2020/21
The Winter EXPO 2020/21 for MCS/HCI was a great success! We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.
Project Presentations Live on Twitch
On Feb 8th our Games Engineering students presened their projects via a Twitch live stream. Starting at noon, we warmly invited everybody to watch the pitches, ask questions, and provide feedback. Family and members of the JMU were free to join us in person.
Prof. Latoschik @ Clash of Realities
Prof. Latoschik speaks about High Impact Trends in Games at the 11th International Conference on the Art, Technology and Theory of Digital Games. His talk on AI in Natural User Interfaces highlights the state of art, technical limitations and options, and the philosophical questions arising with such technology.
HCI Group @ ISMAR 2020
HCI Group presented two full-paper at the ISMAR 2020.
HCI Group @ VRST 2020
HCI Group receives award for the best paper and the best poster/demo at the VRST 2020.
Best Paper Nominee at ICMI‘20
This year's joint contribution of the HCI chair and the Psychological Ergonomics chair 'Finally on Par?! Multimodal and Unimodal Interaction for Open Creative Design Tasks in Virtual Reality' was nominated for Best Paper. Congratulations to Erik, Sara, Chris, Martin, Jean-Luc, and Marc!
Daniel Roth receives dissertation award
Daniel Roth receives an award for his dissertation on Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, and Hybrid Interactions in Virtual Reality, through the Lower Franconian Memorial Year Foundation for Science and the Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg.
Masterclass @ Bits&Pretzels
Together with Bavarian Minister of State Judith Gerlach the XR Hub gave a masterclass called Dive into XR – use cases and outlook at Bits & Pretezls 2020.
3D User Interfaces Results of SS 2020
The summer semester comes to an end and we are happy to present some results of the 3DUI module.
Multimodal Interfaces Results of SS 2020
The semester comes to an end and we are happy to present the results of the Multimodal Interfaces course.
Mensch-Computer-Systeme Bachelor - Teaser 2020
Der Trailer für den Bachelor Studiengang Mensch-Computer-Systeme ist verfügbar. Schaut ihn euch an!
Studying in Würzburg
Studying in Würzburg - between vineyards, fortress and residence? You can choose from about 250 subjects. If this has sparked your interest, this video will give you a little insight into the possibilities and student life in Würzburg.
Presentation @ MuC 2020
On 08.09.2020 the paper Horst - The Teaching Frog will be presented at the digital event Mensch und Computer 2020. This can be watched live at 15:30 on Youtube. Find more information under the following links.
New Lab Regulations
As a measure against COVID-19, special precautions must be followed when using the laboratories.
Vacation despite Corona
The sense of presence that virtual reality can trigger in us - Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik (HCI) talks about this in the program Xenius: Urlaub trotz Corona: Neue Chancen entdecken. The focus is on the projects Virtual Times and Interactive Opera.
Judith Gerlach @ the HCI and MTS
Judith Gerlach, the Bavarian Minister of State for Digital Affairs visited the HCI Chair and MTS working group.
Public disputation @ the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science invites you to the public disputation in the context of the doctoral thesis of Daniel Roth on the 7th of August.
Summer EXPO 2020
The Summer EXPO 2020 for MCS/HCI was a great success! We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.
Insights for minister of state Dorothee Bär
A Center for Artificial Intelligence in Data Science (CAIDAS) is being established at the University of Würzburg. Minister of State Dorothee Bär has informed herself about its research.
Human-Computer, Games & Informatics Expo
Save-the-date: The Human-Computer, Games and Informatics Expo will take place on 24th of July 2020.
Vacation in VR
Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik (HCI) speaks in the program alles wissen about the feeling of presence that virtual reality can trigger in us. The focus is on the projects Virtual Times and Interactive Opera.
ViLeArn @ Digitaltag Bayern 2020
The project ViLeArn was presented at the Digital Day Bavaria 2020. As part of the XR-Hub slot, the current prototype of project ViLeArn was streamed via Zoom.
Human Technology - Technologized Human
Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik (HCI) speaks at the Philosophicum of the Universitätsklinikum Würzburg on the topic Human Technology - Technologized Human.
Bernd Sibler visited HCI
Science Minister Bernd Sibler visits the Center for Artificial Intelligence Data Science - CAIDAS Würzburg
University of Würzburg as a hub for AI research
TV Mainfranken reports on the University of Würzburg as a hub for AI research.
XR podcast episode 7 - New Realities
The potential of virtual and augmented reality in schools is great, and this has been scientifically proven. But how do you get teachers to actually use XR? Sebastian Oberdörfer talks about it in the 7th episode of the XR podcast.
ViTraS project @ BMBF Projectgallery
The ViTraS project has been selected to be presented in the BMBF Projectgallery. This year's gallery shows future-oriented projects in the field of HCI launched in 2019.
VR during corona times
'Let's go virtual: meet, learn, collaborate in the digital world' the 1. Virtuelle Talkshow of the XR HUB Bavaria, the 1E9 Denkfabrik and the LMU Munic
Best Paper Award at IEEE VR‘20
Congratulations! The contribution 'Accelerated Stereo Rendering with Hybrid Reprojection-Based Rasterization and Adaptive Ray-Tracing' by Niko Wißmann, Martin Mišiak, Arnulph Fuhrmann, and Marc Erich Latoschik was awarded as best paper at the IEEE Virtual Reality conference 2020.
Winter EXPO 2020
The Winter EXPO 2020 for MCS/HCI was a great success! We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.
Human-Computer Exhibition
Save-the-date: The Human-Computer Exhibition will take place on 7th of February 2020.
Project Presentations Live on Twitch
On Feb 3rd our Games Engineering students presened their projects via a Twitch live stream. Starting at noon, we warmly invited everybody to watch the pitches, ask questions, and provide feedback. Family and members of the JMU were free to join us in person.
Airbus @ the Faculty of Human-Computer Interaction
On Friday representatives of Airbus visited the Faculty of Human-Computer Interaction.
XR in education and training
Virtual reality, extended reality, human-computer interaction in education and training - these are the topics of Prof. Marc Latoschik's lecture on 24.01.2020 at 13:00 in the Aquarium of FOS/BOS Kitzingen.
ViTraS project @ BR
In two reports of public television (BR Fernsehen) and radio (Bayern 2) Prof. Latoschik and Prof. Wienrich present the current laboratory setup and the project outline of the ViTraS project for virtual reality based support of obesity therapy.
HCI Group @ VRST 2019 in Sydney
Daniel Roth and Maximilian Landeck presented their work at the VRST 2019 in Sydney.
Philosophy meets Human-Computer Interaction
In October 2019 Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik (HCI) and Dr. Diego D'Angelo (Philosophy) presented their findings on perception and reality in two short lectures in the Toscanasaal of Würzburg's Residence. A panel discussion with many good questions from the audience rounded off the event!
Media Days in Munich
From 23.10.-25.19.2019 the HCI Chair again presented its projects on the Media Campus. The Media Campus is part of the Media Days in Munich. There the projects ILAST, Breaking Bad Behaviors and GEtiT were presented by a team of the University of Würzburg.
Best Paper Runner-Up at ICMI‘19
This year's joint contribution of the HCI chair and the Psychological Ergonomics chair 'Paint that object yellow: Multimodal Interaction to Enhance Creativity During Design Tasks in VR' was awarded as Best Paper Runner-Up. Congratulations to Erik, Sara, Chris, Jean-Luc, and Marc!
Prof. Lugrin @ Frankenschau
Prof. B. Lugrin in a BR article on the future of nursing: Can a robot replace a nurse?
Prof. Latoschik @ Frankenschau
The public TV channel (BR Fernsehen) reports in their regional program (Frankenschau) on the strategy 'BAYERN DIGITAL' by means of which six billion euros will flow until 2022. Prof. Latoschik represents two of the beneficiaries of the Bavarian strategy: Würzburg's artificial intelligence (AI) and extended reality (XR) research.
Multimodal Interaction Course Results of SS 2019
The semester comes to an end and we are happy to present the results of the Multimodal Interaction course.
XR Hub Unterfranken
The Bavarian Ministry of Digital Affairs is creating a competence centers for key technologies in the field of eXtended Reality, called 'XR Hubs', that will network small and medium-sized companies in Bavaria and support them in technology transfer. In addition to a central hub in Munich, 500,000 € per year are invested in regional hubs. The XR Hub Lower Franconia will cooperate with the HCI chair Würzburg.
3D User Interfaces Results of SS 2019
The summer semester comes to an end and we are happy to present some great results of the 3DUI module.
BR Fernsehen @ ECML
The public television program of the Bavarian region (BR Fernsehen) reports about current research of the chairs HCI & Data Science, about the European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML), and about the upcoming AI center CAIRA.
ECML 2019
The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD) with its ~850 participants has come to an end. We thank all participants, organizers, and helpers who made this amazing event possible.
ECML/PKDD Summer School (EPSS'19)
The EPSS'19 on Machine Learning and Data Mining for Geo-Spatial Data/Volunteered Geographic Information, Quality of Experience & Human-Computer Interaction is over! We thank all participants, organizers, and helpers who made it such a great event.
Summer EXPO 2019
The Summer EXPO 2019 for MCS/HCI, MK and GE was a great success! We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.
Dr. Rolf-Dieter Jungk visited HCI
Dr. Rolf-Dieter Jungk, head of the Bavarian Ministry of Science and Art , visited the chair HCI on Tuesday, 2nd July.
Journal article about Urban History 4D in c’t
The recent edition of the IT journal c’t (15/2019) features an article about the junior research group Urban History 4D. The article presents functionalities and potentials of the 4D browser as well as the AR application developed by the research group. Moreover it reflects the work of Urban History 4D with respect to the European project Time Machine. To see the article visit the c’t website.
HCI at IVA 2019 in Paris
David Obremski presented the paper 'Non-Native Speaker Generation and Perception for Mixed-Cultural Settings' at the conference 'ACM IVA (Intelligent Virtual Agents) 2019' in Paris. It deals with the perceived native language of a virtual agent, and how perception changes when different grammatical errors are added to this language.
Human-Computer, Games & Informatics Expo
Save-the-date: The Human-Computer, Games and Informatics Expo will take place on 26th of July 2019.
New Lab Naming
We've renamed our labs to make them easier to identify. The new naming scheme uses colors that refer to the logo colors of the HCI chair (red-orange), the Media Informatics Group (green) and the Games Engineering Group (blue). A growing number of color related accessories in these rooms will support our choices.
The University of Würzburg was represented with an exhibition booth at THE FUTURE CODE 2019.Our stand visualized 'CAIRA' in a concise overview. It serves as a communication point for the participating AI departments of the JMU.
Impressions of the careerevent for MCS/HCI students
Our career event took place on 24th May 2019 and was a complete success.
The University of Würzburg is represented with an exhibition booth. At this stand 'CAIRA' will be visualized in a concise overview. It serves as a communication point for the participating AI departments of the JMU.
ViTraS won the price for the 'best impact'!
iLAST and ViTraS made it to the short list of projects and were honored by a jury of experts at the DIVR Award. We are happy to announce that ViTraS won the category 'best impact'!
HCI and PsyErgo at CHI2019
Members of HCI and PsyErgo chair visited the CHI2019 conference. It took place from May 4th to May 9th in Glasgow.
Careerevent for MCS/HCI students
Digitisation is progressing and offers promising career prospects. Find more information at our Career Event for Human-Computer Interaction. Friday, May 24th. Besides MCS and HCI students, anyone interested in digital development is welcome!
Semester Opening Party Summer 2019
Time to celebrate! There will be another Semester Opening Party for MCS/MK/HCI and GE students! You are more than welcome to party with us on May 15th 2019 from 10pm at 'das boot'!
Fotis Liarokapis is visiting the HCI
Fotis Liarokapis, the Director of a HCI Lab and associate Professor of the Faculty of Informatics at Masaryk University, is visiting the HCI Chair on Monday, 20th may 2019. He will give a presentation as part of the department's colloquium series that day at 4:15pm in 'Turing Hörsaal, Informatikgebäude, Am Hubland'
Prof. Latoschik at Ted x Uni Würzburg
Prof. Latoschik gave a talk at the Ted x Uni Würzburg named 'From A(vatars) to Z(ero) Latency'. The video can now be watched online.
Judith Gerlach visited HCI
Judith Gerlach, the Bavarian Minister of State for Digital Affairs, visited the chair HCI on Monday, 29th April.
HCI Group published in the International Journal of Computer Games Technology
Sebastian Oberdörfer and Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik published their recent work on gamified knowledge encoding in serious games.
Once again big success for the HCI, PIIS and the PsyErgo group on the prestigious IEEE VR conference in Osaka, Japan. The HCI group presented with Prof. Latoschik, David Heidrich, and Negin Hamzeheinejad our recent research results in 4 papers, 6 talks (one keynote), and 2 poster presentations. The PIIS and PsyErgo group presented with JProf. Wienrich, Daniel Reinhardt, and Nina Döllinger 2 full paper and 2 talks.
Machine Learning Lecture Results of WS 2018/19
The semester comes to an end and we are happy to present some great results of the machine learning lecture.
Winter EXPO 2019
The Winter EXPO 2019 for MCS and HCI was a great success. We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.
Twitch Stream & HCGI EXPO 2019
The Games Engineering students of all semesters are going to present the intermediate stage of their projects on Monday, 4th February 2019, starting at noon (CET), live on the Twitch channel
Studien-Info-Tag 2019
On 12 March 2019, the Study Info Day 2019 will take place at the Neue Universität (Sandering 2, 97070 Würzburg). Human-Computer-Systems will be presented at 8:30 am in HS 224.
Eurographics 2019
Save-the-date: The Europgraphics 2019 will take place from 6th to 10th May in Genova, Italy.
Save-the-date: The VS-Games will take place from 4th to 6th September in the Naturhistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria.
External research collaboration
Prof. Latoschik is at the renowned HITlab in New Zealand until April 2019 for an external research collaboration with Prof. Lindeman at the University of Canterbury.
Expo for Human- Computer and Games Engineering
Save-the-date: The Human-Computer & Games Exhibition will take place on 8th of February 2019.
The Zentrum Digitalisierung.Bayern (ZD.B) presents the Embodiment Lab of the HCI chair in its recent promotional video, highlighting our lab among all Bavarian innovation laboratories.
HCI Group published in the Multimodal Technologies and Interaction Journal of the MDPI
Chris Zimmerer, Dr. Martin Fischbach and Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik published their recent work on the development of multimodal interfaces.
New ILAST projectteam
This semester a new team is working on our ILAST project. The seven students started in October and started developing new applications.
2. Meeting of ZD.B Innovation Lab Coaches
On 26 and 27 November the coaches of all ZD.B sponsored innovation laboratories met at the Zentrum für Digitale Innovationen (ZDI) Mainfranken in Würzburg.
Radio interview about ILAST
Thursday Kathrina Haunfelder from the Technical University Nuremberg came to Würzburg and interviewed Andrea Bartl about ILAST. More information will be published soon.
Our ILAST- Team presented a pitch and demonstration of the project at the ZD.B Demo Day in Erlangen.
World Usability Day 2018
Save-the-date: The World Usability Day will take place on 8th november in Würzburg. The WUD starts at 2 pm at the FHWS. The purpose is to make the importance of high usability known outside the professional world and to provide insights into the professional fields and research branches concerned with usability topics.
Medientage in München
The Media Days in Munich took place from 24th to 26th October. A team from university Würzburg presented the projects iLast and GEtiT and the degree programs Mensch-Computer-Systeme, Human-Computer-Interaction and games engineering.
HCI at SUI 2018
Sebastian Oberdörfer and Daniel Roth presented two Papers at the 'ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction 2018' in Berlin. Daniel and his co-authors won the 'Honorable Mention Short Paper Award'.
HCI at SUI 2018
Sebastian Oberdörfer will present a Long Paper called 'Effects of VE Transition Techniques on Presence, Illusion of Virtual Body Ownership, Efficiency, and Naturalness' at the ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction 2018 in Berlin. The meeting is from October 13 to 14 in Berlin and Sebastian is presenting on Sunday, 14 October at 9 am.
Medientage in München
The Media Days in Munich will take place from 24th to 26th October and students will get a free bus ride and tickets for the 25th october.
HCI at Kontaktwerkstatt Wissenschaft-Wirtschaft
Profs. Latoschik and von Mammen presented at the IGZ/ZDI 'Kontaktwerkstatt Wissenschaft-Wirtschaft' on the topic Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Multimodal Interaction Course Results of SS 2018
The semester comes to an end and we are happy to present the results of the Multimodal Interaction course.
Breaking Bad Behaviors wins fraMediale Prize
The Breaking Bad Behaviors project wins the price for "Best practice or future projects with digital media by university lecturers" at fraMediale 2018.
HCI at fraMediale
The HCI and school pedagogy groups run an Infoshop at the "fraMediale" on September 19th. The teams around Professors Grafe and Latoschik will report and discuss design guidelines for teaching with Augmented and Virtual Reality in schools and highlight best practices from a joint seminar.
Our photogrammetry rig is ready!
The whole team helped together and now all 106 cameras are hanging in the rig.
Best Poster Award at VS Games 2018
Sebastian Oberdörfer and Marc Erich Latoschik won the best poster award at this year's VS Games conference. Congratulations!
VSGAMES 2018 was a great success.
From 5th to 7th September, Games Engineering hosted the tenth iteration of the VSGAMES conference.
The HCI chair will start to work at a new party promoted research project called "VIRTUALTIMES -Exploring and Modifying the Sense of Time in Virtual Environments."
VSGAMES - 10th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications
From 5th to 7th September, Games Engineering is proud to host the tenth iteration of the VSGAMES conference. JMU Students are welcome to join and listen to any sessions they are interested in.
HCI at IHM’18
Prof. Dr. Jean-Luc Lugrin will be giving a keynote at the 30th Anniversary of the French Conference on Human-Machine Interaction: IHM’18 (interaction homme-machine 2018). The conference takes place from 23rd to 26th October in Brest.
Summer EXPO 2018
The Summer EXPO 2018 for MCS,HCI and GE was a great success. We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.
HCI at the Campusfestival 2018
In bright sunshine, young and old flocked across the campus festival grounds and were offered a varied selection of attractions.
HCI at AAMAS 2018
The International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) was from 10-15 July in Stockholm. Prof. Dr. Birgit Lugrin, Prof. Dr. Jean-Luc Lugrin and Dr. Martin Fischbach presented a demo called 'Follow the White Robot'. The presentation of the demo was on 11th July from 15:30 to 17:00 o'clock.
HCI at VR in Industry
Prof. Latoschik is going to present a keynote at "VR in Industry". The fair is on 4th July at TEMA Technologie Marketing AG in Aachen.
Expo for Human- Computer and Games Engineering
Save-the-date: The Human-Computer & Games EXPO will take place on 13th July 2018.
HCI at Planet Wissen
Prof. Latoschik took part in a special on Virtual Reality for the TV show "Planet Wissen".
Robot Museum - A Multimodal Virtual Reality Game
We are happy to present a demonstration of David Heidrich's scientific internship implemented in summer semester 2018.
Space Tentacle - A Multimodal Adventure Game
We are happy to present a demonstration by Chris Zimmerer and Dr. Martin Fischbach.
Demo accepted at AAMAS 2018
The 'Follow the White Robot' demonstration will be presented at the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems from 10.-15. July in Stockholm, Sweden.
Module and Project Results of WS 2017/18
The semester comes to an end and we are happy to present some great results of lecture modules and projects.
TV show Planet Wissen
Prof. Latoschik took part in the production of a special on Virtual Reality for the TV show "Planet Wissen". The episode will be aired on June, 12th at 18:15 on ARD-alpha.
Best Journal Paper Award on the IEEE VR 2018
Our TVCG Paper "The Impact of Avatar Personalization and Immersion on Virtual Body Ownership, Presence, and Emotional Response" won the Best Journal Paper Award on the IEEE VR 2018. The paper was written in collaboration with Thomas Waltemate and Mario Botsch from the Bielefeld University.
HCI Group Presents 1 Journal, 4 Conference and 1 SEARIS Paper and 4 Posters at the IEEE VR 2018 in Reutlingen
This year our group is strongly represented at the IEEE VR 2018, the largest VR conference of the research community.
German-Japanese Spring School on Human Factors 2018
Here you find Japanese descriptions of our research demos for the German-Japanese Spring School on Human Factors 2018 in collaboration of Psychological Ergonomics and HCI.
WueWebWeek Event at the Zuse Lecture Hall
On Thursday, 8th March 2018, at 17:30 p.m. the professorship of Games Engineering, chair of Computer Science 9, hosts an eSports-Event in the Zuse lecture hall together with industry partners in the course of the WueWebWeek 2018.
Winter EXPO 2018
The Winter EXPO 2018 for MCS and HCI was a great success. We thank all the contributors and guests for participating. Congratulations to this year's visitor award winners and Tobias Gerling, Daniel Rapp, and Nadine Stenger who won the lecturer's award.
iLAST - Demo at König-Ludwig-Haus!
The team presented its final prototype to the medical staff of the orthopaedic clinic König-Ludwig-Haus.
VS-GAMES 2018: Call for Papers is out now!
The 10th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications (VS-GAMES) will take place at the JMU from 5. to 7. September. The Call for Papers is out now!
Human-Computer & Games EXPO will take place on 13. July 2018
Save-the-date: The Human-Computer & Games EXPO will take place on 13. July 2018. The official programme will start in the early afternoon.
Games Engineering Students' Presentations Live on Twitch
Join our Games Engineering students' online presentations on Monday, 5. February from 12pm to 4pm. You will experience a rapid succession of pitches of their diverse 1st and 3rd semester projects and a preview of some of the themes that you will see at the HCG EXPO this summer.
Games Engineering Brings eSports to WueWebWeek
We are collaborating with the ZDI Mainfranken and Wueconomics e.V. to bring an eSports event to the WueWebWeek. It's an informative and highly interactive event with a professional FIFA 2018 show match. It will take place at the Zuse Lecture Hall, Building M2, at 5:30 pm.
Follow the White Robot - A Role-Playing Game with a Robot Game Master
A social robot acting as a game master in an interactive tabletop role-playing game.
Dreamland or Reality: Virtual / Augmented Reality
Prof. Latoschik is invited to give a talk at the Kempten University of Applied Sciences. He will introduce recent work of Würzburg's HCI group and discuss the history and current challenges of VR/AR research and applications.
Fourth Indie Outpost in Würzburg
A cordial invitation to the first Indie Outpost, an exchange platform for game developers, on 23 January 2018 starting at 7pm at Coworking Würzburg
MAIN Publishes Portrait of Prof. Marc Latoschik
A portrait of Prof. Marc Latoschik, current HCI research challenges and our study programs was published in MAIN, the new Würzburger journal for business journalism.
BadMe - Understanding the customer!
We had a meeting with the customer to understand his needs and requirements. As a second step we did a contextual inquiry and visited our customer.
UniZeit Reports on Human-Computer Systems Program
The newspaper UniZeit introduces the HCI bachelor program to pupils that are interested in IT and psychology.
Cameras and Rig arrived!
Nearly all of the component parts for our body scanner have arrived by now. Our offices are stuffed and we can not wait to put it all together.
Main Post Reports on the Gaming Location Würzburg
On the occasion of the IHK Innovation Forum at the HCI Chair, the Main Post reports on the gaming location Würzburg.
iLAST - First review meeting with the customer!
The team presented its first concept and prototype to Dr. Reppenhagen of the orthopaedic clinic König-Ludwig-Haus.
Impressions of the Event "Cross Industry Innovations - Games Engineering"
The "Cross-Industry Innovation - Games Engineering" event was a great success. We thank all speakers and attendees for the inspiring exchange and fruitful discussions.
Breaking Bad Behaviors in BR Television
The collaborative research projecct of School Pedagogy and HCI "Breaking Bad Behaviors" was target of a recent BR production. Follow the link to watch the spot in the BR Mediathek.
HCI Chair in BR Production on Virtual Therapy
The work of the HCI Chair was target of a recent BR production on virtual therapy. Follow the link to watch the spot in the BR Mediathek.
"Breaking Bad Behaviours" at ARTE Broadcast "Xenius: Homo Digitalis"
The collaborative research project "Breaking Bad Behaviours" of School Pedagogy and HCI has been the target of the recent ARTE production "Xenius: Homo Digitalis".
Cross Industry Innovations - Games Engineering
We invite all interested students to attend the exciting lectures of the Cross Industry Innovation - Games Engineering Event.
Ilse Aigner and Franz Josef Pschierer at the HCI Booth
The chair for Human-Computer Interaction is presenting the programs HCI, Games Engineering, and Media Communication programs at the MedienCampus in Munich
Human-Computer Interaction at the MedienCampus in Munich
The chair for Human-Computer Interaction is presenting the programs HCI, Games Engineering, and Media Communication programs at the MedienCampus in Munich
Module and Project Results of SS 2017
The semester comes to an end and we are happy to present some great results of lecture modules and projects.
Lecture Series "Digitale Innovationen"
Invitation for the upcoming lecture series "Digitale Innovationen" starting in October 2017. Among the speakers are Prof. Brigit Lugrin and Prof. Sebastian von Mammen.
Impressions of the EXPO 2017
The joint EXPO 2017 for MCS, HCI and Games Engineering was a great success!
Public PhD Thesis Defense by Martin Fischbach
Martin Fischbach publicly defenses his thesis at 4. August 2017, 10:00 in Z6, SE 1.010
Games Engineering Course is Think ING Course of the Month August 2017
The Games Engineering Course was awarded with as Course of the Month August 2017 by GESAMTMETALL Think ING.
Human-Computer & Games EXPO
A cordial invitation to everybody to the Human-Computer & Games EXPO on 2 August 2017! You are invited to learn about and experience project works by our students enrolled in MCS, HCI and Games Engineering.
New HCI Teaser Video Online
Our new HCI group teaser video is available on YouTube! The video illustrates the broad scope of research projects and topics we are working on. Have a look!
Games Engineering
Prof. Latoschik illustrates the concept of the Würzburger university program "Games Engineering" in the "Life und Style". He points out general competencies taught in this curriculum as well as requirements for prospective students and gives insight into the specifics of Würzburg University’s program.
IHK Zukunftsforum
The HCI group will show live highlights of their latest work at the IHK Zukunftsforum and will introduce the visitors to the relating university programs MCS, HCI, Games Engineering and Computer Science. In addition, Prof. Latoschik will introduce the audience to the Human-Computer Interaction group’s portfolio and research activities.
Digital self - Between Human and Machine
Prof. Latoschik is invited into the 'Digitaler Salon' to discuss the effects of the digitalization on our very self as human beings. Join us at the open house of the Bavarian Science Academy in Munich between 11:00 and 18:00 during a full day of interesting events around science.
Main-Post Article About Virtual Psychotherapy
The work of our chair has been the target of an article about using VR for Psychotherapy, published in the Main-Post .
Module and Project Results of WS 2016/17
The semester comes to an end and we are happy to present some great results of lecture modules and projects.
New Embodiment Lab
HCI group wins contest to establish a new 'EmbodimentLab' in the Bavarian initiative 'Innovationslabore für Studierende' in the Bavarian initiative 'Zentrum Digitalisierung Bayern (ZD.B)'. The new lab will strengthen the Würzburgs research around 'Humans and Intelligent Machines'. The lab is initially founded for two years with with 223.000 €.
New Embodiment Lab
HCI group wins contest to establish a new 'EmbodimentLab' in the Bavarian initiative 'Innovationslabore für Studierende' in the Bavarian initiative 'Zentrum Digitalisierung Bayern (ZD.B)'. The new lab will strengthen the Würzburgs research around 'Humans and Intelligent Machines'. The lab is initially founded for two years with with 223.000 €.
Persentation Prize of the MCS/HCI Exhibition WS 16/17
We congratulate the winners of the persentation prize of the MCS/HCI exhibition WS 16/17.
MCS/HCI Exhibition WS 16/17
A cordial invitation to the public exhibition of recent Bachelor and Master projects.
From A(avatars) to Z(ero latency)
Prof. Latoschik has an invited talk at the research center Jülich. He will introduce recent work of Würzburg's HCI group including results in avatar research, interpersonal synchronization, illusion of virtual body ownership, simulator technology, latency, and computer games.
First Indie Outpost in Würzburg
A cordial invitation to the first Indie Outpost, an exchange platform for game developers, on 2 February 2017 starting at 7 pm at Coworking Würzburg
Games Engineering Program in the Main-Post
Our new bachelor program Games Engineering has been target of an article of the Main-Post. Follow the link to read the full article.
Games Engineering Program in BR Television
Our new bachelor program Games Engineering has been target of a recent TV production for the BR. Follow the link to watch the spot in the BR Mediathek.
Open Position for Student Employee
We are looking for a student employee for managing the website in Wordpress.
Open Position for Student Employee
We are looking for a motivated student for an open student employee postion
Welcome to the HCI chair!
We are very happy to welcome Chris, Daniel, Jonas and Sebastian to our team!
Article in the Main-Post
The daily newspaper Main-Post released an article about the collaboration between computer scientists and historians in the junior research group HistStadt4D.
New collaborative project
The HCI group is part of a new 5-year 1 Mio. € collaborative research project VARyFAST which aims at establishing Virtual Reality and competencies to use Virtual Reality as a central tool in various university programs across north Bavaria.
HCI group presents at the ACM VRST 2016
We will present new results of our work (two papers and several posters) at the world premier ACM conference on Virtual Reality Systems and Technology 2016 which will this year take place in Munich, Germany.
Dreamland or Reality
Prof. Latoschik gave an invited talk at the Deutsches Museum in Munich. He took us on a wild tour exploring the principles as well as the philosophical aspects of Virtual Reality. The 250 places of the Ehrensaal quickly sold out and participants enjoyed an inspiring event with a lively discussion.
Big Bang - A Multimodal VR Universe Builder
We are happy to present a proof of concept demonstration of Chris Zimmerer's master thesis.
Module, Project and Thesis Results of SS 2016
The semester comes to an end and we are happy to present some great results of lecture modules, projects, and thesis.
Research group HistStadt4D
Repositories of digitized historical photographs are a key topic of the eHumanities. The junior research group investigates and develops methodical and technological approaches in order to merge, structure and annotate photograps and additional information related to their place and time.
Open Research Position E-Learning
The HCI-group has an open position for a research assistant (and PhD candidate) in the area of e-learning/blended learning.
Open Research Position Interactive Systems
The HCI-group has an open position for a research assistant (and PhD candidate) in the general area of interactive systems.
We Want You!
Open position for a motivated student employee.
MCS and HCI Exhibition
Students of the bachelor MCS and the master HCI will present results of projects and thesis on a public exhibition at the Z6 (first floor) on July, 20 from 10:00 to 16:00
Job Offer Design and Systems Würzburg
Design and Systems Würzburg seeks motivated students who want to work full-time after their thesis (Bachelor and Master) or alongside their master studies (e.g., for 2 days per week).
Interview in the intro
Prof. Latoschik has given an interview about the application of Virtual Reality as a tool for psychotherapy in the June edition of the intro.
New Games Engineering Program
The new Games Engineering Bachelor program is officially initiated. The new program accepts student applications beginning winter semester 2016/2017. Details can be found on the official Games Engineering website.
Courses in SS 2016
The lecture time of summer semester 2016 starts next week. Check our courses summary page to see all courses held by the HCI group this semester.
Module, Project and Thesis Results of WS 2015/16
The semester comes to an end and we are happy to present some great results of lecture modules, projects, and thesis.
From A(avatars) to Z(ero latency)
Prof. Latoschik has an invited talk at the CITEC in Bielefeld. He will introduce recent work of Würzburg's HCI group including results in avatar research, interpersonal synchronization, illusion of virtual body ownership, simulator technology, latency, and computer games.
The Quest for the Holodeck
Prof. Latoschik will talk about the 'Quest for the Holodeck' at the Quo Vadis, Germany's most important international game developers’ conference in Berlin.
Best Poster award
Congratulations! The contribution 'A Simplified Inverse Kinematic Approach for Embodied VR Applications' by Daniel Roth, Jean-Luc Lugrin, Julia Büser, Gary Bente, Arnulph Fuhrmann, and Marc Erich Latoschik was awarded as best poster at the IEEE Virtual Reality conference 2016.
Social Robots for Elderly Care
The Bayrischer Rundfunk visited the Media Informatics group at the chair of computer science 9. During the broadcast of the 28.02.2016 the Frankenschau reported on the potential of social robots for the care of elderly.
VR-Therapy on TV
Our basic research concerning the psycho-physical effectiveness of VR as a therapy medium has been target of a recent TV production for the 'Elektrischer Reporter' of the ZDF info channel. The broadcasting date is the 31.03.2016 at 00:30.
REETI - Tiny, cute, and communicative
Prof. Birgit Lugrin and the media informatics group have been interviewed by the Bayrischer Rundfunk about a recent student project from the master program Medienkommunikation.
Winter School - Interactive Spaces
The HCI chair invited a group of 30 highly motivated people for 10 days to learn about novel human-computer interaction and interfaces. The winter school will cover a broad range of topics including interactive graphics, virtual- and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and computer games.
Quest V2 Prototype Finished
The Quest V2 prototype is a mixed reality tabletop role-playing game with a novel combination of interaction styles and gameplay mechanics.
HCI group presents at the IEEE VR 2016
We will present new results of our work (one full paper, six posters, one workshops, one tutorial) at the world premier conference on Virtual Reality, the IEEE Virtual Reality 2016.
SEARIS Workshop
We co-organize the 9th Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems (SEARIS) and present actual work in this field.
New Program Games Engineering
HCI group wins contest to establish a new program 'Games Engineering' in the Bavarian initiative 'Digitaler Campus Bayern'. The program is initially founded for 6 years with 1.243.000 €
New Program Games Engineering
HCI group wins contest to establish a new program 'Games Engineering' in the Bavarian initiative 'Digitaler Campus Bayern'. The program is initially founded for 6 years with 1.243.000 €
XRoads Demo at the Mobile Media Day
Berit Barkschat and Sascha Link present the latest results of the ongoing project XRoads at the Mobile Media Day in Würzburg.
New Chair Digital Media Processing
HCI group wins contest to establish a new chair for 'Digital Media Processing' in the Bavarian initiative 'Zentrum Digitalisierung Bayern (ZD.B)'. The new group will strengthen the Würzburgs research around 'Humans and Intelligent Machines'.
New Chair Digital Media Processing
HCI group wins contest to establish a new chair for 'Digital Media Processing' in the Bavarian initiative 'Zentrum Digitalisierung Bayern (ZD.B)'. The new group will strengthen the Würzburgs research around 'Humans and Intelligent Machines'.
ICMI '15 in Seattle
The International Conference on Multimodal Interaction 2015 is over. Have a look at the excellent publications!
Best Paper at Culture and Computing 2015
Congratulations! The contribution 'Modeling and Evaluating a Bayesian Network of Culture-Dependent Behaviors' by Birgit Lugrin, Julian Frommel, and Elisabeth André was awarded as best paper at the International Conference on Culture and Computing 2015 in Kyoto, Japan.
Machine Learning - SS 2015
Short videos showcasing the results of last semester's Machine Learning course are now available at our youtube channel.
Autumn school
The HCI master student David Zilch is attending autumn school on 'The sensorimotor foundations of social cognition' in Boltenhagen, Baltic Sea, Germany.
Thesis Defense
Dennis Wiebusch will defend his PhD thesis on Reusability for Intelligent Realtime Interactive Systems at the 6th of October.
Presentation at the ICMI '15 in Seattle
Martin Fischbach will present an extended exposé of his PhD thesis on software techniques for multimodal input processing in Realtime Interactive Systems at the International Conference on Multimodal Interaction in Seattle.
The Quest for Zero Latency
Prof. Latoschik is invited to give a talk during the GamesCampus 2005 Event 'Games Future und Universität 4.0' in Munich during a meeting of colleagues involved in games development and games education.
INTERACT 2015 in Bamberg
The 15th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2015 takes place from 14 to 18 September 2015 in Bamberg.
Long paper accepted at ICAT-EGVE 2015
New HCI Group Publication accepted at the ICAT-EGVE 2015. ICAT-EGVE is the merger of the 25th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2015) and the 20th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (EGVE 2015).
MCS/HCI Exhibition
This Thursday students of the Bachelor MCS and the Master HCI will present the results of projects and thesis during a public exhibition. The event takes place in the 1st floor of the central lecture- and seminar-building (Z6). Anyone interested is cordially invited to visit the exhibition from 10.00 am to 16.00 pm.
Dresden Talks on Interaction & Visualization
Prof. Latoschik is invited to talk about techniques for future human-computer interfaces at the Interactive Media Lab in Dresden.
Open Positions
The HCI-group has open positions for research associates and research assistants (including PhD candidates).
aic - Panel Discussion
Prof. Latoschik is invited to a panel discussion on the subject of 'Arbeitswelt der Zukunft'.
InterMem - Interactive Memories
At the beginning of june 2016 the BMBF-founded project InterMem officially started. This interdisciplinary project is carried out by the chair of Psychological Ergonomics and the chair of Human-Computer Interaction, amongst others. In total, the University of Würzburg is supported with 442.000€.
HCI Chair joins Bundesverband Interaktive Unterhaltungssoftware
The chair for Human-Computer-Interaction is now member of the Federal Association of Interactive Entertainment Software.
Intelligent, Interactive, Multimodal
Prof. Latoschik is invited to talk about techniques for future human-computer interfaces at the graduate school 'CrossWorlds (Connecting Virtual and Real Social Worlds in Chemnitz)'.
HCI at the RPC 2015 in Cologne
The HCI group presented the latest result of the ongoing project XRoads - a realtime mixed-reality game - at the Role Play Convention in Cologne.
Enjeux et défis de la Réalité Virtuelle Augmentée
Prof. Latoschik is invited to talk about 'Issues and challenges of Virtual Reality' at the Centre de Développement des Technologies Avancées (CDTA) in Baba Hassen, Algeria.
Talk at the CEIT'2015
Prof. Latoschik is invited to talk about 'Intelligent, Interactive, Multimodal - Techniques for Future Human-Computer Interfaces' at the international conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT) in Tlemcen, Algeria.
Barrierefrei lesen: Hochschulperle digital für Würzburger 'Lupen- und Fernglas-App'
Studierende der Universität Würzburg haben eine App für Menschen mit Sehbehinderung entwickelt. In Kooperation mit dem Berufsförderungswerk Würzburg ist die Lupen- und Fernglas-App Yris entstanden. Der Stifterverband verleiht dem Projekt die Hochschulperle digital des Monats Mai.
Girls' Day at the Institute of Computer Science
The HCI group presented two interactive demonstrations to girls that are interested in 'Virtual Reality'.
The healing game: positive aspects of game design and play
Prof. Latoschik is invited to present recent results from game-related research of the HCI group during a special event organized by the International Communication Association and University of Cologne.
Posters at IEEE VR 2015
This year four of our students will present the results of their bachelor or master thesis at the premier international conference and exhibition on virtual reality: IEEE VR 2015 - Congratulations to them!
Bavarian TV (Bayrischer Rundfunk) about immersive VR
The Bavarian TV will broadcast a news clip about the immersive VR experiments taking place at the HCI group's VR lab. January 30th during the Rundschau on BR.
eRIS Tutorial at IEEE VR 2015
eRIS is a one day tutorial about the art of engineering real-time interactive systems (RIS). The course provides state-of-the-art conceptual and technical solutions for building highly interactive software systems typical for Virtual, Augmented, Mixed Reality, computer games, and perceptual computing.
Terra X "Supertalent Mensch" on the Unreal Pit
The Terra X TV show broadcasts two episodes on people with extraordinary capabilities and skills. Lukas Irmler, a very talented and well-known slackliner tries his skills in the unreal pit at the HCI group's VR lab. How will he perform the immersive tasks? See it for yourself December 21st on ZDF.
Demonstration at the Mobile Media Day in Würzburg
The HCI group presents the latest results of the ongoing project XRoads as well as the outcome of the myCards project at the Mobile Media Day in Würzburg.
Demonstration at the ITS '14 in Dresden
The HCI group demonstrates the latest research on fusion of mixed reality tabletop and location-based applications for pervasive games at the Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces conference in Dresden.
Demonstration at the WUD '14 in Würzburg
The HCI group presents the latest results of the ongoing project XRoads as well as a thesis on the comparison of interaction techniques for time-critical applications at the World Usability Day in Würzburg.
Presentation at the TGMIS '14 in Istanbul
The HCI group presents the latest research on software techniques for the enhancement of multimodal processing software at the Turkish German Multimodal Interaction Summit in Istanbul.
Publication at the VRST '14 in Edinburgh
Stephan Rehfeld presents the latest results on profiling and benchmarking event and message-passing-based asynchronous realtime interactive systems at the 20th symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology in Edinburgh.
HCI at the SPIEL'14 in Essen
The HCI group presents the latest results of the ongoing project XRoads together with the co-operation partner Pegasus Spiele at the Internationale Spieltage SPIEL'14 in Essen.
HCI Group at ISMAR 2014
Chris Zimmerer and Marvin Thäns presented the XRoads Demonstration at the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality.
Quest V1 Prototype Refined
The Quest V1 prototype has been extended by a location-based adventure played on a mobile-device.
Robot & Frank - Scientific movie evening on board of the MS Wissenschaft
Empathic robots, cyborgs, autonomous vehicles: Where does science fiction end and where does science start? We will discover the scientific background of the tragicomedy Robot & Frank together with Prof. Marc Latoschik during a movie evening on board of the MS Wissenschaft.
Campus Festival 2014
The HCI group presented two demos during the 2014 campus festival: Visitors could try the multimodal tabletop role-playing game XRoads and they could defend a city against invading ghosts as a wizard using speech and gesture spells.
Engineering Variance - Talk at the HCI International 2014
Prof. Latoschik presents Software Techniques for Scalable, Customizable, and Reusable Multimodal Processing, results of ongoing research work conducted with Martin Fischbach.
Terra X report on the unreal pit
Film crew arrives to send Lukas Irmler, a very talented and well-known slackliner, into the unreal pit and to capture the results. How will he perform the immersive tasks?
Dienstagsgespräch at FHWS
Prof. Latoschik speaks at the faculty for design of the FHWS about ongoing research work and future trends.
Phone Interview
Marc gives an interview about gamification and transfer of game design elements for sustainable diets.
HCI at the RPC 2014 in Cologne
The HCI group presented the latest results of the ongoing project XRoads together with the co-operation partner Pegasus Spiele at the Role Play Convention in Cologne.
SEARIS at the IEEE VR 2014
We co-organize the 7th Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems and present actual work in this field.
HCI at the Spiel'13 in Essen
A second study of the advanced XRoads prototype has been conducted during a demonstation at the SPIEL '13 in Essen.
Automation app wanted
The Elektrotechnik magazine again awards the best automation app. This year, Prof. Latoschik joins he jury. Please follow the call to take part.
10th GI VR/AR workshop at Uni Würzburg
The HCI and IMG groups organize and host the 10th GI VR/AR workshop at Würzburg University.
Interactive Intelligent Spaces -- Summer School
If you are interested in the current state-of-the-art in interactive graphics, Virtual and Augmented Reality, artificial intelligence, and computer games, this summer school is your place to be.
Intelligent, Interaktiv, Multimodal -- Invited talk at Freiburg University
Prof. Latoschik speaks at the center for Cognitive Sciences of Freiburg University during Freiburg's group colloquium where he introduces the work of the HCI group.
Ethics workshop in Jena
About the excitement, the risks, and the chances of a digital reality: Prof. Latoschik is invited to talk at the University of Jena as part of a workshop organized by students of Jena's master program ethics.
Global Future 2045
A very interesting topic and conference. But what about scientific credibility? Let's go and check that out.
Dagstuhl Seminar on Virtual Realities
Virtual Reality (VR) is a multidisciplinary area of research aimed at interactive human computer mediated simulations of artificial environments. Prof. Latoschik is invited to join the research group and to discuss future developments and plans with international colleagues.
HCI student project presented at the RPC in Cologne
MCS students presented their project - a mixed reality boardgame - at the 'Role Play Convetion' in Cologne.
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