Prof. Latoschik will speak at the MEDIENTAGE MÜNCHEN
29 Oct 2021

Prof. Latoschik will give a talk at the MEDIENTAGE MÜNCHEN on October 29, 2021 at 13:15. The MEDIENTAGE MÜNCHEN is an annual congress of the communications industry. The speakers come from the fields of television, radio, print and mobile, from the digital business and from advertising, media policy and film.
The topic of Prof. Latoschik’s talk will be current XR devices and their most important feature innovations. A specific focus will be on the following questions:
How do we interact with current and future computer systems?
How do design decisions, implemented metaphors, and technological finesse affect users, both in terms of individual and societal consequences?
More Information
For further information check out the program of the event under this link. The talk will be on conference-stream 2 | PLANETARIUM. For (online) tickets, have a look here.