Human-Computer Interaction


How can we use AI in the context of everyday work? How can people understand the AI they are working with? How can we foster this understanding? The project AIL AT WORK strives to answer these questions from a human-centered perspective. In an interdisciplinary cooperation we delve into the cognitive, social and emotional requirements that arise when AI is used in real-life work with human users in a social space. Together with industry partners, we develop new and modular measurements for AI Literacy (AIL) and evaluate them either as simulated AI-prototypes or in the field. For this evaluation, we make use of novel approaches such as eXTended AI and XR-testbeds.


Ceremonial inauguration of the CAIDAS building
The HCI and PIIS working groups actively contributed to the success of the event with demos and organization.
Bavaria's new Minister of Digital Affairs at the XR Hub
Bavaria's new Minister of Digital Affairs Dr. Fabian Mehring visited the University of Würzburg for the first time. He was visibly impressed by the projects and achievements of the XR Hub.
Visit from the Universitätsrat and Kuratorium
The HCI Chair and PIIS working group had the pleasure of hosting the Universitätsrat and the Kuratorium at CAIDAS.
The MAILS Questionnaire is now online!
The Ail at Work Team presents the META AI LITERACY SCALE. You can try it out yourself!
HCI and PIIS Research Demos Week
The HCI and the PIIS Group hosted three demo sessions on the 17th, 18th and 20th of October. We welcomed international visitors from University of Bergen (Norway), the University of Valle (Colombia), and visitors from the 'Arbeitskreis A der Deutschen Rentenversicherung' (Germany).
First Demo Tour at CAIDAS!
Anthony Steed and Stefan Kopp explored HCI and PIIS research projects.
AIL AT WORK meets Federal Minister Hubertus Heil to explore the design of AI colleagues in Virtual Reality
During the KI-Studios project launch at the Fraunhofer IAO in Munich, the AIL AT WORK team demonstrated how AI can be leveraged in the context of different workplaces.
SPD Visit - HCI and PIIS Projects Demonstration
The HCI Chair and PIIS working group had the pleasure of hosting Bernd Rützel, Volkmar Halbleib, and Alexander Kolbow.
Exploring the Future of AI in the Workplace: Insights from the AIL AT WORK Project Team's Visit to the Denkfabrik Digitale Arbeitsgesellschaft
On June 16, members of the AIL AT WORK project team visited the 'Denkfabrik Digitale Arbeitsgesellschaft' at the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
HCI Group at the CHI 23 Conference in Hamburg
We were proud to present our work at the CHI conference 2023 right here in Germany.
AIL at Work informs about Research Aims
Together with State Secretary Lilian Tschan from the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the AIL at Work project informs about the research aims and shows the topic’s relevance in this video clip.
Digital Summit Bavaria: Human-Centered AI and XR HUB Würzburg as guests of State Minister Judith Gerlach.
Carolin Wienrich, Marc Latoschik, and Andreas Hotho visited the Bavarian Digital Summit.
AIL AT WORK hosts Workshop at re:publica 2022
Participants collaborated to explore crucial dimensions in user-centered AI-design, focusing on the trustworthiness, perceived safety, and overall appeal of (non-)humanoid AI-representations in virtual reality (VR).
The project AIL AT WORK celebrated its official kick-off with the think tank Digitale Arbeitsgesellschaft of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
Projekt erforscht KI-Kompetenzen am Arbeitsplatz
Carolin Wienrich (Psychologie Intelligenter Interaktiver Systeme), Astrid Carolus (Medienpsychologie) und Marc-Erich Latoschik (Human-Computer Interaction) haben das mit 1,15 Millionen Euro geförderteForschungsprojekt „AIL AT WORK – Analyse, Entwicklung und Evaluation von AI-Systemen und AI-Literacy in Arbeitskontexten“ eingeworben.

Open positions

Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d) für AIL AT WORK Projekt gesucht
Wir haben eine offene Stelle im wissenschaftlichen Dienst für das AIL AT WORK Projekt.

Funding and Collaboration



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