Human-Computer Interaction



An engaging story, entertaining interactions and varied challenges are the secrets of the success story of adventure games. Immersive virtual reality (VR) experiences provide an ideal ground for pushing the adventure genre to the next level.

In the project VIA-VR, we aim to do exactly this, and create a framework for modeling and staging strongly engaging VR adventures for medical training, prevention, therapy and rehabilitation. The overall pipeline will offer the selection and composition of graphical assets to create according virtual worlds, to digitize one’s body, to define measurements for medical supervision of a training or therapy session, and to program the game’s plot relying on means of visual scripting.

VIA-VR is coordinated by JMU’s Games Engineering group but involves several strong partners in research and development.

Video Introduction


Theses and projects


Project LEVEL: virtuaL rEality adVenturE tooLkit
Project LEVEL aims at translating, extending and innovating game and complementary mechanics and user interfaces from the adventure game genere for realising VR adventures.
Assessment of Help Facilities in VR Adventure Platform
In the project VIA-VR, we aim to create a framework for modeling and staging strongly engaging VR adventures for medical training, prevention, therapy and rehabilitation.This project aims to evaluate help facilities that can be used to teach users how to use the VIA-VR framework.
Formative Design of VR Guidance Cues
Design and develop a cue guideline to be used in VR experiences to assist a user.
VIA-VR: Drug Prevention Demonstration
Design and develop a VR application that addresses drug usage prevention
VIA-VR: Rehabilitation Demonstration
Design and develop a VR application that addresses gait rehabilitation
VIA-VR: First-aid Training Demonstration
Design and develop a VR application that addresses first-aid training
Graphical User Interface for Learning Classifier System
A Graphical User Interface to interact with a Learning Classifier System.
Intelligent User Interface for User Guidance
Design and implement an Intelligent User Interface that helps the user while using a sophisticated VR authoring platform.
Assessment of the user state in VR healthcare applications
Within this project you can leverage physiological and/or behavioral data to determine the current state of the user in a virtual environment.
Assessing the simulator-sickness level of a User in VR
Within this project you can leverage physiological and/or behavioral data to determine the current state of the user in a virtual environment.
Creating a VR Questionnaire Tool
Design and develop a questionnaire tool and incorporate it into the VIA-VR project.

Marie Thienemann

Evaluation of VIA-VR 3D Environment Editor
User-centric evaluation of the 3D editor used to create virtual environments for the VIA-VR platform.

Funding and Collaboration



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