Human-Computer Interaction

Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik

Head of Chair

Contact Details

Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik
Human-Computer Interaction
Universität Würzburg
Emil-Fischer-Straße 50
D-97074 Würzburg

✆	+49 (0) 931 31 85871
⌂	Room 01.030, Building 50, Hubland North

by appointment
PGP Key Fingerprint
08 4E 7A 2B 8E 9C FE 5E 78 A5 EA 01 67 6C 36 23

About me

Marc is heading the chair for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) of the University of Würzburg. The chair spans a broad area of HCI topics and research groups, from immersive and interactive systems, games engineering, or media informatics, to digital media processing.

Research Questions

How will we interact with current and future computing systems?

How do design choices, implemented metaphors, and technological finesse impact users concerning individual as well as social consequences?

In short: How do we build good interactive systems and how do we define good under this perspective?


Marc works on these questions throughout his career to create technology that is helpful and enjoyable for people. He studied mathematics and computer science at the University of Paderborn, the New York Institute of Technology and the Bielefeld University. Marc has an extensive background in the computer industry where he worked on various, back then entirely novel IT topics, e.g., interfaces for optical storage media and multimedia applications for a variety of large corporations and key players in the IT business. In 1996 he finally decided to devote all his time on his research questions and joined academia. He headed the AI & VR Lab at Bielefeld University until 2007, became a professor for media informatics at the University of Applied Sciences (HTW) in Berlin, and founded the Intelligent Graphics Group at Bayreuth University in 2009 before he finally took over the HCI chair at Würzburg University in 2011.

Marc’s work has a strong interdisciplinary background. He combines methods and approaches from artificial intelligence, real-time interactive systems, 3D graphics, cognitive sciences, and psychology on top of a strong engineering foundation in computer science. Since his seminal work on multimodal–gesture and speech–interaction in Virtual Reality from the late 90th, he is interested in highly interactive and immersive interfaces of Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality (VR, AR, MR). Current research topics focus on embodiment, i.e., of avatars and agents, body ownership and the Proteus effect, time perception, social VR, multimodal input/output, gamification, technical characteristics of, and engineering solutions for VR/AR, and application areas for therapy (e.g., of neurological deficits or obesity disorders), training, learning, and entertainment.

Marc is an active member of the scientific community. He is a co-founder and was the elected spokesman for the GI special interest group on VR/AR, member of the ACM, IEEE, and GI, and serves in numerous program and organizing committees for prestigious conferences, journals, as well as in reviewing panels for various scientific selection processes. He has published more than 160 research articles (see below) in high-ranked journals (e.g., TVCG, Frontiers) and conferences (e.g., IEEE VR, VRST, ISMAR, CHI, ICMI, SUI). Several of his works won prestigious awards and are repeatedly founded by research agencies, e.g., within the Federal State of Bavaria, the German Ministry of Science and Education (BMBF), the German organization for science and research (DFG), or the European Commission.

In his ever-decreasing spare time, Marc loves all kinds of sports and enjoys reading, e.g., books by Stephenson, Stross, Boyle, Murakami, Voltaire, Melville and many more. He likes to explore new tech, and very much enjoys a good conversation on exciting and enlightening topics during a wine or cold beer. Oh, one more thing: dogs and rock’n’roll!


ILAST - Immersive Leg Coordination And Strength Therapy
ILAST is a prototype of an immersive Virtual Reality (VR) training system for post-operative therapy treatment after knee injuries. The training system uses basic game-like experiences simulated in fully immersive virtual environments which motivate patients to perform dedicated movement tasks mobilizing and strengthening their lower limbs.
ViTras - Virtual Reality Therapy by Stimulation of Modulated Body Perception
ViTraS develops therapy methods based on controlled modulation of body perception and behaviour patterns with the help of current Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) technologies.
Situated virtual learning environments based on presence and social interaction.
Exploring and Modifying the Sense of Time in Virtual Environments.
Interactive OPERA
Interactive virtual environments for Objective evaluation of Psychophysical Effects based on bRain Activity.
Digitalisierungszentrum Präzisions- und Telemedizin (DZ.PTM)
This project serves to establish the structure of the DZ.PTM Würzburg–Bad Kissingen as a virtual centre with three locations designated to develop, test and implement digitization projects across Bavaria to support patient care and research.
This project investigate how Virtual Reality can support motor-rehabilitation of patients suffering from stroke consequences.
An Immersive and Gamified Virtual Reality Rehabilitation System to Increase Motivation During Gait Rehabilitation
Embodiment Lab
Embodied multimodal interfaces and digital humans become increasingly interesting for novel human-computer interface paradigms. The EmbodimentLab establishes a Bavarian competence center for the creative development of related application use cases and the necessary technology involved.
Holopark - Large Scale VR Museum
Investation of the oportunities of large scale VR systems with high numbers of users.
Breaking Bad Behaviors
A New Tool for Learning Classroom Management Using Virtual Reality
Dimensions of Virtual Body Ownership
Users experience the perception of virtual bodies in immersive and semi immersive virtual environments.
Augmenting Social Behavior
The project explores the plasticity of communicative social behavior and its augmentation. We aim at finding out how future interactions in social virtual- and augmented realities can be supported by technology.
GEtiT (Gamified Training Environment for Affine Transformations) achieves an interactive gamified 3D-training of affine transformations by requiring users to apply their affine transformation knowledge in order to solve challenging puzzles presented in an immersive and intuitive 3D environment.
XRoads explores novel and multimodal interaction techniques for tabletop games. It focusses Mixed Reality platforms that combine touch, speech, and gestures as input modalities for turn-based and real-time strategy games.
Multimodal interfaces (MMIs) are a promising alternative human-computer interaction paradigm. They are feasible for a wide rang of environments, yet they are especially suited if interactions are spatially and temporally grounded with an environment in which the user is (physically) situated, like virtual reality, mixed reality, human-robot interaction, and computer games.
CaveUDK is a high-level VR middleware based on one of the most successful commercial game engines: the Unreal® Engine 3.0 (UE3). It is a VR framework implemented as an extension to the Unreal® Development Kit (UDK) supporting CAVE-like installations.
Simulator X
Simulator X is a research testbed for novel software techniques and architectures for Real-Time Interactive Systems in VR, AR, MR, and computer games. It uses the central concept of semantic reflection based on a highly concurrent actor model to build intelligent multimodal graphics systems.
SIRIS (Semantic Reflection for Intelligent Realtime Interactive Systems) is a research project which explores novel software architectures for Virtual, Augmented, Mixed Reality and computer games and similar domains.
SCIVE (Simulation Core for Intelligent Virtual Environments) explores software techniques combining Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods with Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR).



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