Holopark - Large Scale VR Museum

Holopark is an immersive virtual reality research environment that allows to explore the opportunities of virtual reality interactions on a large spatial scale and with up to 100 users.
About the system
Holopark is implemented as a mobile social VR application using the Samsung GearVR, extended with Radio Marker ID used within the tracking system and Safety System (Tracking area grid) on a large tracking area (Up to 600 m²). The system is capable of handling a high number of users (Up to 100) with the use of a large scale radio-based tracking system developed by Fraunhofer IIS Nuremberg (Up to 600 m²). The performance is optimized, e.g. with a custom occlusion culling system and Optimize 3D Scene & Models, that results in 50-60 FPS on average.

Content and Interaction Metaphors
The interactive environment consists of a museum and a dinosaur park with 6 virtual zones in total (3 Inside, 3 Outside). The indoor museum consists of 3 floors, 1800 m², and 11 exhibitions. The outdoor dinosaur park live dinosaurs can be visited on 5000 m² in 3 exhibitions.
The following interaction metaphors are implemented to date:
- Gaze-based activation: Visitor can activate audio description by looking at the interaction element
- Audio and visual description
- Zone traveling: Visitor can access exhibitions through an elevator and see live dinosaurs
- Path Drawing, Visitor Avatars, Interactive Exhibition Descriptions