Human-Computer Interaction

ViTras - Virtual Reality Therapy by Stimulation of Modulated Body Perception


ViTraS develops therapy methods based on controlled modulation of body perception and behaviour patterns with the help of current Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) technologies. Body-related health disorders are currently of high relevance. In particular, the number of cases of obesity is increasing rapidly and is becoming a massive problem for individual well-being with economic consequences. After weight reduction, many of the patients affected regain weight. ViTraS uses the psychological effect of VR/AR to increase the effectiveness of therapy and reduce the relapse rate.


HCI @ ARD Wissen
In the current ARD report 'Mein Körper. Mein (Mehr-) Gewicht' on the topic of body positivity and health risks of obesity, the HCI Chair was able to present the ViTras project, in which the psychological effect of VR/AR is used to increase the effectiveness of obesity therapy and to reduce the relape rate.
The HCI Group presented five contributions at ISMAR 22 in Singapore, including two full papers.
XR Hub @ Media meets Health
On May 24th, the XR Hub went on an excursion in order to be part of the "Media meets Health" event in Munich.
XR Hub @ vbw in Munich
The XR-Hub was part of an extended reality event organized by the Bavarian Business Association on May 23rd.
HCI, MTS, and PsyErgo @ CHI 2022
The HCI Group presented four papers at CHI 2022 in New Orleans, USA
HCI Group @ IEEE VR 2022
The HCI Group presented four contributions at the IEEE VR 2022
Erik Wolf receives Meta PhD Research Fellowship
Erik Wolf from the HCI and HTS Group was selected to participate in the 2022 Meta PhD Research Fellowship program.
HCI Group @ ISMAR 2020
HCI Group presented two full-paper at the ISMAR 2020.
Bernd Sibler visited HCI
Science Minister Bernd Sibler visits the Center for Artificial Intelligence Data Science - CAIDAS Würzburg
ViTraS project @ BMBF Projectgallery
The ViTraS project has been selected to be presented in the BMBF Projectgallery. This year's gallery shows future-oriented projects in the field of HCI launched in 2019.
ViTraS project @ BR
In two reports of public television (BR Fernsehen) and radio (Bayern 2) Prof. Latoschik and Prof. Wienrich present the current laboratory setup and the project outline of the ViTraS project for virtual reality based support of obesity therapy.
ViTraS won the price for the 'best impact'!
iLAST and ViTraS made it to the short list of projects and were honored by a jury of experts at the DIVR Award. We are happy to announce that ViTraS won the category 'best impact'!

Funding and Collaboration



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