Human-Computer Interaction



XRoads explores novel and multimodal interaction techniques for tabletop games. It focuses Mixed Reality platforms that combine touch, speech, and gestures as input modalities for turn-based and real-time strategy games.


HCI at AAMAS 2018
The International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) was from 10-15 July in Stockholm. Prof. Dr. Birgit Lugrin, Prof. Dr. Jean-Luc Lugrin and Dr. Martin Fischbach presented a demo called 'Follow the White Robot'. The presentation of the demo was on 11th July from 15:30 to 17:00 o'clock.
Demo accepted at AAMAS 2018
The 'Follow the White Robot' demonstration will be presented at the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems from 10.-15. July in Stockholm, Sweden.
Follow the White Robot - A Role-Playing Game with a Robot Game Master
A social robot acting as a game master in an interactive tabletop role-playing game.
Ilse Aigner and Franz Josef Pschierer at the HCI Booth
The chair for Human-Computer Interaction is presenting the programs HCI, Games Engineering, and Media Communication programs at the MedienCampus in Munich
Human-Computer Interaction at the MedienCampus in Munich
The chair for Human-Computer Interaction is presenting the programs HCI, Games Engineering, and Media Communication programs at the MedienCampus in Munich
We Want You!
Open position for a motivated student employee.
XRoads Demo at the Mobile Media Day
Berit Barkschat and Sascha Link present the latest results of the ongoing project XRoads at the Mobile Media Day in Würzburg.
HCI at the RPC 2015 in Cologne
The HCI group presented the latest result of the ongoing project XRoads - a realtime mixed-reality game - at the Role Play Convention in Cologne.
Demonstration at the Mobile Media Day in Würzburg
The HCI group presents the latest results of the ongoing project XRoads as well as the outcome of the myCards project at the Mobile Media Day in Würzburg.
Demonstration at the ITS '14 in Dresden
The HCI group demonstrates the latest research on fusion of mixed reality tabletop and location-based applications for pervasive games at the Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces conference in Dresden.
Demonstration at the WUD '14 in Würzburg
The HCI group presents the latest results of the ongoing project XRoads as well as a thesis on the comparison of interaction techniques for time-critical applications at the World Usability Day in Würzburg.
HCI at the SPIEL'14 in Essen
The HCI group presents the latest results of the ongoing project XRoads together with the co-operation partner Pegasus Spiele at the Internationale Spieltage SPIEL'14 in Essen.
HCI Group at ISMAR 2014
Chris Zimmerer and Marvin Thäns presented the XRoads Demonstration at the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality.
Campus Festival 2014
The HCI group presented two demos during the 2014 campus festival: Visitors could try the multimodal tabletop role-playing game XRoads and they could defend a city against invading ghosts as a wizard using speech and gesture spells.
HCI at the RPC 2014 in Cologne
The HCI group presented the latest results of the ongoing project XRoads together with the co-operation partner Pegasus Spiele at the Role Play Convention in Cologne.
HCI at the Spiel'13 in Essen
A second study of the advanced XRoads prototype has been conducted during a demonstation at the SPIEL '13 in Essen.
HCI student project presented at the RPC in Cologne
MCS students presented their project - a mixed reality boardgame - at the 'Role Play Convetion' in Cologne.

Theses and projects


Alexa Dippold

Follow the White Rabbit - English
Follow the White Rabbit is a demonstration showcasing a social robot that acts as a game master in an interactive tabletop role-playing game. In this project, the robot's performance is to be realized in two additional English variants that are then to be compared in terms of their impact on two qualities of user experience.

Marvin Thaens


Michael Brandt

Influence of a Social Robot on Game Experience and Social Presence in a Mixed Reality Tabletop Game
This thesis realizes a mixed reality version of Quest’s storytelling aspects by incorporating the social robot Reeti into the setup. Reeti takes on the role of the characters, which the human players meet during the adventure, as well as of the narrator – making him the questmaster.

Philipp Krop

Unreal based tabletop framework for hybrid reality games
By combining classical boardgames with computer games into a HR game this project aims to integrate a social component to the game while still maintaining automatic rule execution in real time.

Daniel Rapp

Immersion through Storytelling - An Eldritch Horror Board Game App
This HCI project focuses on the improvement of Eldritch Horror with respect to game immersion experience by supporting the various player actions and encounters in it using a companion app.

Daniel Rapp

Immersion through Storytelling - An Eldritch Horror Board Game App
This thesis focuses on the improvement of Eldritch Horror with respect to game immersion experience by supporting the various player actions and encounters in it using a companion app.

Rene Stingl

GAMBIT - Gamified Application based on a Mixed-reality Boardgame as Interactive Tutorial
This MCS bachelor thesis focuses on teaching elementary chess skills in a motivating way using an interactive surface.

Philipp Coblenz

To Dice or not to Dice
The Topic of this Thesis is to test various ways of implementing game mechanics for board games in a mixed reality setup

Funding and Collaboration

Pegasus Spiele
XRoads has been supported Pegasus Spiele, a German tabletop game distributor. The support includes basic game mechanics, digital assets for prototype implementations, as well as financial support for student workers.
The Dr.-Herbert-Brause-Stiftung funded the HCI group with 30.000 € dedicated to a multitouch table and a social robot.


Dr. Martin Fischbach
Primary Contact Person
Research Assistant
Primary Investigator


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