Human-Computer Interaction

WueDive - Digitale Innovationen in der Lehre


The Chair of Human-Computer-Interaction has partnered with WueDive to promote didactic and media-related competencies of teachers with the introduction of virtual learning spaces from the ViLeArn by Reality Stack suite developed at the Chair. Students and teachers interact with each other in real-time in virtual reality regardless whether they are at home or in a classroom. In these virtual classroom spaces, new teaching and learning concepts can be discussed, tested and reflected upon. Seminar rooms are accessible to all subjects and offer a range of technical features for various didactic scenarios.


WueDive Team Embraces Virtual Reality
The WueDive team with Samantha Monty, Prof. Dr. Sarah Koenig and Dr. Oyudari Vova in front of the teaching clinic of the University Hospital Würzburg. (Image: WueDive)

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