Dr. Jean-Luc Lugrin
Akademischer Oberrat
Contact Details
Dr. Jean-Luc LugrinHuman-Computer Interaction
Universität Würzburg
Emil-Fischer-Straße 50
D-97074 Würzburg
✆ +49 (0) 931 31 81704
✉ ed.grubzreuw-inu04%nirgul.cul-naej
⌂ Room 01.021, Building 50, Hubland North
by appointment
About me
Lecturer and Researcher in Real-Time Interactive Systems
Dr. Jean-Luc Lugrin studied Computer Science at the University of Lyon (France) and at Teesside University (England). After seven years as full-time principal lecturer in interactive real-time systems at Teesside University, he completed his PhD in 2010 in the area of intelligent virtual environments. In November 2012, he became assistant professor at the institute of human-computer interaction (HCI) at Würzburg University (Germany), where he was the head of the digital media processing group for four semesters (Deputy Professorship).
Dr. Lugrin’s research is interdisciplinary and oriented towards novel human-computer interfaces, combining virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, cognitive sciences, software engineering and entertainment computing. Since 2002, his work has been regularly published in major conferences (ACM VRST, ACM IUI, ACM Multimedia, IEEE ISMAR, ACM AAMAS) and journals (Presence, Vision Research, Intelligent Systems) of these domains. He has published over 70 papers on topics such as illusion of virtual body ownership, causal perception, AI-driven physics, immersive gaming, interactive storytelling or VR frameworks and benchmarks
Over the past years, Dr. Jean-Luc Lugrin has become an active member of the HCI teaching and research community, involved in numerous conference and workshop program committees (ACM IUI, ACM VRST, IEEE VR, ACHI, SEARIS) as well as dedicated university courses (3D User Interfaces, Realtime Interactive Systems, Software Quality, Concurrent and Network Programming, Multiplayer Online Games, Games Lab, HCI Seminars and projects supervision). His current research focuses on immersive user interfaces development and future applications.