Virtual Elo! A VR Training Environment for Elocution
This project is already completed.

This project aims at developing and evaluating novel type of VR training environment for elocution when speaking in public.
The system will help trainee to acquire the required skills for clear and expressive speech in public, especially with distinct pronunciation and articulation.
The overall objective is to develop a first prototype on the top of the Breaking Bad Behaviour System, which is a VR training platform for classroom management technique developed by the HCI Group (see project page).
The first training topic will be focusing on scenario and techniques to reduce stuttering under stressful situations (i.e. with a difficult virtual audience such as a classroom composed of virtual students).
In collaboration with our partners and supervisors, the student will design and develop a immersive game-like training with different types of virtual audiences. The audience will vary in terms of density (2, 5, 10 up to 100 virtual human in the room), as well as in terms of behaviours (i.e. bored, agitated, calm, attentive,…).
- Unreal Engine 4.x
- Network Programming
Contact Persons at the University Würzburg
Prof. Dr. Jean-Luc Lugrin (Primary Contact Person)Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Universität Würzburg
Jean-Luc Lugrin
Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik
Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Universität Würzburg
Marc Latoschik
Andrea Bartl
Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Universität Würzburg
Andrea Bartl
Elisabeth Kucinski
Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakultät Pädagogik im Förderschwerpunkt Sprache und Kommunikation, Universität Leipzig