Virtual Platelet Platform (VIPP)
This call for a thesis or project is open for the following modules:
If you are interested, please get in touch with the primary contact person listed below.

Immersive Interaction with virtual platelets
Understanding the cellular mechanisms of platelet activation and their pharmacologic modulation is of major interest for basic and clinical research. The chair for bioinformatics has developed a comprehensive human platelet repository (PlateletWeb) for systems biologic analysis of platelets in the functional context of integrated networks. This repository includes data about functional, drug, and pathway associations and provides a first systemic insight into various aspects of platelet functionality and pharmacologic regulation. VR/AR technology would allow to access and inspect this data interactively and in 3D and to foster insight into crucial dependencies and correlations.
Design, implementation, and evaluation of an immersive interface to interact with the repository data.
In cooperation with
Prof. Thomas Dandekar,
chair, dept. of bioinformatics
Contact Persons at the University Würzburg
Marc Erich LatoschikHuman-Computer Interaction, Universität Würzburg