
- Multimodal Interfaces
- Speech, Gesture, Embodiment
- Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality
- Intelligent Virtual Environments
- Spatial Interaction
- Computer Edutainment and Games
- Agent and robot based interaction
- Intelligent Graphics
- Social Robotics
- Smart objects and spaces
- Semantic modeling
- Real-time Interactive Systems
Computer systems pervade almost every aspect of modern life. They are becoming ubiquitous, with diverse characteristics and appearances. This development poses interesting questions:
- How do we want to interact with such systems?
- Are historical machine-centric operations sufficient?
- How would alternative interaction metaphors look like?
- How do we actually build and develop alternatives?
The HCI group explores novel forms of human-computer interaction that focus on the user and the interaction experience, taking into account the requirements defined by the physical, cognitive, and perceptive skills of users.
A central goal are interactive multimodal interfaces. Such interfaces use embodiment and natural human capabilities like speech, gestures, touch, movement to interact with real and virtual artifacts, that is, artifacts which receive their shape, appearance, and function by human impact and interpretation.
Challenges range from the understanding and design of high-level concepts and models of human cognition, communication, and collaboration to the development of engineering principles and techniques necessary for the creation of rich, interactive, and intelligent user interfaces for computerized real, virtual, and blended media environments.