Interactive Memories (InterMem)

InterMem (Interactive Memories) explores the usefulness of multimodal and multimedia interfaces with an increased perceptual coupling to strengthen the positive effects of biography work with patients suffering from dementia. The goal is to use interactive media based on touch input with multimedia output (images, videos, sounds) on central as well as peripheral devices to increase immersion during biography work. The project’s hypothesis postulates that increased immersion results in increased emotional responses and as a result in strengthening of memory traces relating to the exposed biography artifacts. The central part of the HCI group in this collaborative project is the technical development of prototype systems and their evaluation.
The Projekt InterMem is fundet by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (project number 16SV7322) from June 1, 2015 to May 31, 2018 in the program “Pflegeinnovationen für Menschen mit Demenz”.
InterMem is a collaborative projects among the following industry partners, care-experts and research institutions:

Further Information
Consult the official InterMem project website (german) for further information.