Human-Computer Interaction

Christian (Schell) Rack, M.Sc.

Research Assistant

Contact Details

Christian (Schell) Rack, M.Sc.
Human-Computer Interaction
Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg

⌂	Room 01.027, Building M1, Hubland South

About me

Christian has studied Business Informatics and Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Würzburg. His research topic focuses on using behavioral biometric data to identify and authenticate people in VR contexts. Christian is responsible for the machine learning lab work of the HCI study program.


Embodiment Lab
Embodied multimodal interfaces and digital humans become increasingly interesting for novel human-computer interface paradigms. The EmbodimentLab establishes a Bavarian competence center for the creative development of related application use cases and the necessary technology involved.
PriMa Avatars
The PriMa Avatars project aims to investigate the protection of digital bodies (personalised realistic avatars) against identity theft in social virtual reality.


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