AIL AT WORK @ Landshut Leadership Forum
22 Nov 2024

The 9th Landshut Leadership Forum, a renowned meetup of investors and corporate heads, took place at the Landshut University of Applied Sciences on 21. & 22. November. This year’s event focused on digital transformation in Germany and the chances of AI to transform work as we know it. With a keynote by Mdir Dr. Strepp from Bavaria’s Ministry for Digital Affairs titled “Künstliche Intelligenz als Herausforderung und Chance”, multiple workshops, and panels about how AI can be used in companies, the event was a great success.
Prof. Dr. Carolin Wienrich gave an impulse about how science can identify underlying psychological mechanisms of AI usage, and how it can develop validated measurements and training methods for AI literacy. As part of the event’s interaction lab, Andreas Halbig and Philipp Krop from the AIL team presented two demonstrators: One showcasing how industrial tasks may be enhanced by embodied virtual agents in future work contexts, and one showing how interactions with an embodied ChatGPT in the workplace can become more natural and trustworthy. The demonstrators were well received, and many interesting discussions and possible cooperations sprung from the event.