All about Games in Bavaria - with Games/Bavaria
10 May 2023

Guest lecture by Lena Fischer from Games/Bavaria.
3 p.m., June 26
Building Z6, in front of lecture hall 0.002
All about Games in Bavaria - with Games/Bavaria
Studying games is the first step into the games industry. But what else is involved? And what can be done after graduation? What support and funding opportunities exist for games devs, are there tips on job hunting and entering the industry, which events and networking opportunities are recommended?
Lena Fischer from Games/Bavaria answers these and other questions about #GamesInBavaria. Games/Bavaria supports the games industry in Bavaria with a strong network at the location. We offer consulting, events, mentoring, news and contacts in a lively community.
Lena Fischer joined Games/Bavaria in September 2019. As Project Lead Games, she is responsible for the alignment of events as well as the areas of universities/universities and young talent. Under the latter falls in particular the GamesWERK program, which includes mentorings, workshops and talks. Lena studied Media Science, Computer Science: Games Engineering as well as Philosophy of Science and Technology. During and after her studies, she worked at the university as well as at games and media companies before joining FFF Bayern as a games funding officer.