Anne-Gwenn Bosser on Computational Narratives for Compelling Interactive Experiences
04 Mar 2022

Anne-Gwenn Bosser is an Associate Professor at ENIB in France, near Brest, in Western Brittany. She is a member of the Lab-STICC (CNRS UMR 6285). She was previously a Senior Lecturer in Games Programming at Teesside University (UK), and a member of the Intelligent Virtual Environments lab. In a past life, she has been working in R&D in the game industry. She holds postgraduate degrees in philosophy, in mathematics, and in industrial software engineering, and a PhD in computer science from Paris 7 University. Her research interests currently revolve around computational narratives in the context of interactive applications, especially computer games or virtual reality simulations, which she has studied from a logical standpoint.
During this talk, she will present some work taking place at CERV (Centre Européen de Réalité Virtuelle). The CERV is a technological platform equipped with immersive systems and interactive devices. It brings together research laboratories, companies and students in a multidisciplinary context and has produced a number of simulation-based applications for training, health, or artistic purposes. The CERV hosts Anne-Gwenn Bosser’s team, COMMEDIA which brings together researchers in cognitive psychology and computer science around themes related to the engagement of users with interactive systems such as Virtual Agents and Computational Narratives. Dr Bosser will describe her approach based on a fine-grained logical representation of narrative actions and present several recent projects where a narrative paradigm was applied in the context of serious games and other interactive experiences.
9th March 2022, 10:00 Uhr (s.t.)
Zuse-Hörsaal, Informatikgebäude, Am Hubland, University Würzburg