22 Mar 2019

Once again big success for the HCI, PIIS and the PsyErgo group on the prestigious IEEE VR conference in Osaka, Japan. The HCI group presented with Prof. Latoschik, David Heidrich, and Negin Hamzeheinejad our recent research results in 4 papers, 6 talks (one keynote), and 2 poster presentations. The PIIS and PsyErgo group presented with JProf. Wienrich, Daniel Reinhardt, and Nina Döllinger 2 full paper and 2 talks.

The IEEE VR is one of the leading international conferences on the advancements in the field of Virtual and Augmented Reality. Following the last successful years for the HCI group, we were once again invited to represent our research during this highly competitive event. David Heidrich gave a talk about the results of his master thesis in which - for the first time - we were able to get some insights into the risks of gambling in VR (Heidrich et al. 2019). This work was accepted as a full conference paper. He also presented our work on locomotion in VR during the poster presentation (Lugrin et al. 2019). Negin Hamzeheinejad was invited to present her ongoing work of her PhD project on gait rehabilitation after using VR and she was actively supporting the conference as a student volunteer (Hamzeheinejad 2019).
Prof. Latoschik co-organized the 12th workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems where he summarized the development of this area during an opening talk. He jumped over to the Fourth Workshop on K-12+ Embodied Learning through Virtual & Augmented Reality (KELVAR) where he was invited to talk about Würzburg’s work on immersive learning and teaching which we are conducting in close collaboration with the chair of school pedagogy. He presented our results on gait rehabilitation for patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, which we are conducting in collaboration with the chair for Psychology I. These results were based on the master thesis of Florian Kern and accepted as a full paper at the conference. He was chairing the keynote of Junichiro Koyama and Yukiharu Tamiya from BANDAI NAMCO Amusement Inc. Let’s Unleash Entertainment! VR Possibilities Learned through Entertainment Facility “VR Zone” before he presented our latest results on scalability in social VR and its effects on social presence and usability (Latoschik et al. 2019) which was accepted as a journal paper in the TVCG special issue.

Psychologische Ergonomie and Psychologie Intelligenter Interaktiver Systeme
After 2 full paper presentations in the last year, the PIIS group participated successfully on the leading international conference. Daniel Reinhardt (PsyErgo group) and JProf. Wienrich gave a talk about the results of a study in which - for the first time - we were able to measure mental workload by the entropy of controller movements (Reinhardt, Haesler, Hurtienne, and Wienrich, 2019). This work was accepted as a full conference paper.
Nina Döllinger gave a talk about the results of her master thesis in which she investigated the impact of different locomotion techniques on spatial cognition and user experience. This work was also accepted as a full conference paper (Wienrich, Döllinger, Kock, and Gramann, 2019).
Publications of HCI at IEEE VR 2019
Here are some impressions of the conference
You can find more pictures and informations about the conference on IEEE VR 2019.