iLAST - Demo at König-Ludwig-Haus!
08 Feb 2018

The first prototype of our VR application for therapy after kneeinjuries is completed. We met with our cooperation partner of the orthopaedic clinic König-Ludwig-Haus in Würzburg to show our prototype. The presentation was a success and reactions were overall very positive. The medical staff tested the prototype and gave interesting feedback for the next phases of the project. We are excited to continue the project in the upcoming semester.

Impressions of the Prototype
We implemented different environments for the patient to do the exercises in, e. g. a beach environment. We hope to increase motivation and fun by making the training environment more interesting and enjoyable.

One of the very important aspects for the orthopedists was to get feedback about the patients’ paint during the training. We implemented a slider for the patients to give feedback.

A virtual coach tells the patient how to do the exercises and also shows the movement.
For a full overview over the ILAST proect, the system and its features visit the ilast-Website: