The healing game: positive aspects of game design and play
02 Apr 2015

Prof. Latoschik is invited to present recent results from game-related research of the HCI group during a special event organized by the International Communication Association and University of Cologne, where leading scholars and industry representatives will come together to discuss the positive effects video games can have on the wellbeing and welfare of gamers.
Moderated by Professor Dr. Gary Bente, University of Cologne, this lecture will present research by three leading voices in the field of Game Studies followed by a discussion with prominent members of the Game development community.
Panelists are Odile Limpach, Ubisoft Blue Byte Studio Strategic Consultant, where she works on cross-media projects. Dr. Maximilian Schenk, BIU Managing Director, oversees Germany’s largest trade association for video game developers. Dr. Julia Kneer, Rotterdam University, Dr. Marc Latoschik, University of Wuerzburg, and Dr. Thorsten Quandt, University of Muenster.
Based on Dr.’s Kneer, Latoschik, and Quandt’s research on game development, rehabilitation and games addiction, the panel will discuss how game research is impacting the use and development of games. Odile Limpach and Dr. Maximilian Schenk will respond to the research with their unique perspective in the game industry.