Quest V1 Prototype Refined
15 Sep 2014

2012-2013 a mixed reality version of the role-play-based board game Quest: Zeit der Helden was implemented in the context of student projects: A multitouch table with object recognition capabilities (Samsung’s SUR40) serves as a shared interaction space for tangible game elements (pawns, cards, …). The system augments these real objects with multimedia content, according to the ongoing game. The integration of portable devices allows for private interaction spaces. This prototype unifies different interaction techniques, like touch input or tangible interaction, in order positively affect the user experience (Giebler-Schubert, Zimmerer, Wedler, Fischbach, and Latoschik, 2013).
This initial version of the Quest V1-prototype has been enhanced with additional multimodal interfaces in 2014 (Fischbach, Zimmerer, Giebler-Schubert, and Latoschik, 2014):
- A dice shaking- and throwing-gesture, detected via the Leap Motion sensor, allows the player to roll a virtual dice that bounces off the real pawns standing on the table.
- A simple speech interface provides an alternative to the existing touch interface for all actions a player can choose from at any point during the game.
Finally, the prototype has been extended by a location-based adventure played on a mobile-device (Fischbach, Lugrin, Latoschik, and Fendt, 2014; Zimmerer, Fischbach, and Latoschik, 2014). The extension devides the gameplay into two phases an adventure phase, where players follow a non-linear storyline by visiting various real-world locations to acquire rewards and information and a skirmish phase, where strategic plans and collaboration is required to defeat enemies in a turn-based battle.
During the skirmish phase, the mobile device is utilized to extend the interaction possibilities with the interactive table:
- additional private interaction space, e.g. for playing secret traps
- use of device sensors, e.g. shaking the mobile device activates a dice roll
This enhanced versions has been demonstrated at several events where user feedback was continuously collected.