The project aims at the development of teaching sequences that can be flexibly combined to form new courses or integrated into existing courses to expand competencies with regard to using VR and AR.
The VARyFast project (Virtual and Augmented Reality in the Fast-Verbund) is a cross-university and cross-disciplinary project of the universities of Aschaffenburg, Würzburg-Schweinfurt, and Würzburg, which is funded by the Bavarian state government as part of the “Digital Campus Bavaria” program.
Augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality (AR, VR and MR for short) have arrived in industrial practice and are currently on the verge of entering the mass market. Thus, it is foreseeable that future university graduates will need basic competencies for the use of these new media as well as competencies in IT basics, VR and AR development, and integration of these media for didactical purposes.
To this end, the participating universities are pooling their various specialist competencies and jointly developing teaching sequences that can be flexibly combined to form new courses or integrated into existing courses to expand competencies.
In addition, the developed teaching sequences are integrated in a interdisciplinary seminar at the University of Würzburg. The seminar simultaneously addresses student teachers and Human-Computer Interaction students. Participants learn competencies with regard to human-computer interaction, effects and use cases of VR as well as AR, and media didactics.