Human-Computer Interaction

Beyond safety and efficiency in acute care: The experience of an embodied staff-environment interaction


Safety and efficiency are important in complex, socio-technical domains containing distributed devices such as power plants or healthcare. Therefore, technical developments, evaluations, and research focused on a safe and efficient interaction with technology. Researchers implicitly or explicitly considered only classic concepts of interaction such as, for example, interaction-as-transmission (maximum throughput of information).

The project will provide insights about the explanatory power and design power of modern theoretical concepts about interaction in safety-critical domains. The results will contribute to understanding and balancing efficiency and meaningfulness in a pervasive staff-environment interaction while maintaining safety.

Priority Programme “Scalable Interaction Paradigms for Pervasive Computing Environments” (SPP 2199)


Dr. Florian Niebling

Funding and Collaboration


Florian Niebling
Primary Investigator
Anna Hohm, M.Sc.
Research Assistant


Dr. Florian Niebling


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